Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Super Series Final

The super series was an Australia wide tournament. There were 8 qualifying rounds giving 16 players for the final last Sunday. Though each tournament was an average steamroller event the final had four rounds, four different lists and characters were restricted across all lists (so only one Mulg or Deathjack). I like to follow tournaments like these as it gives you an idea of what the top players are doing and new tactics people have been using. Back to the Super Series the 16 finalists by faction and rank were:

1James Kerr-ReeveProtectorate of Menoth
2Evan FerrisTrollbloods
3James MoorhouseLegion of Everblight
4Trent DenisonCryx
5Kieren MooreCryx
6Lachlan MacwhirterLegion of Everblight
7Michael BlythCryx
8Jeff GaleaRetribution of Scyrah
9Tobias FordRetribution of Scyrah
10Andrew GaleaCygnar
11Jeff TraishTrollbloods
12Simon HallKhador
13Dave LancasterKhador
14Dru MooreProtectorate of Menoth
15Marcelo RoucoCygnar
16Nathan FrawleyCygnar

No circle which is odd, circle have been doing very well internationally of late but that trend doesn't seem to have reached Australia yet. No Mercs or minions was expected, Mercs are very reliant on characters, though it's easy to do two merc lists with character restrictions 4 lists would leave Mercs at a very distinct disadvantage. With minions there is no cross over between Blindwater (crocs) and Thornfall (pigs) so people tend to play one or the other however there are only 3 casters in each so it is impossible to field 4 different lists. There were some very good Skorne players who just missed out on qualifying but top lists in that faction tend to have a reliance on Molik Karn and he is character restricted and would only be able to appear in one list. It's quite possible that a player or two who normally play skorne switched faction.

The winner's lists (with my comments):
[also comments from the winner who unlike me knows what he is talking about]
Grand Scrutator Severius
- Blessing of Vengeance
- Reckoner
- Reckoner
- Redeemer
- Repenter

Choir of Menoth (6)
Exemplar Errants (10)
- Exemplar Errant Officer and Standard Bearer (2)
Vassal Mechanik
Vassal of Menoth
Vassal of Menoth
Wracks (3)
(character restrictions mean either prime or epic not both, this is also the caster I lost to in the Wollongong tournament final. Feat is brutal against warmachine but even without the feat he has a devastating spell list. pSevvy needs most of his focus for his spells but his spells in conjunction with the choir and the Vassals make jacks spectacular and the reclaimers can gather souls and allocate them as focus, also the wracks will provide at least 3 additional focus.)

Vice Scrutator Vindictus
- Castigator

Allegiant of the Order of the Fist
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist
Anastasia di Bray
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist
High Exemplar Gravus
High Paladin Dartan Vilmon
Holy Zealots (10)
- Monolith Bearer
Knights Exemplar (6)
Knights Exemplar (6)
Knights Exemplar Seneschal
Knights Exemplar Seneschal
Madelyn Corbeau, Ordic Courtesan
Paladin of the Wall
Wracks (3)
(Vindictus with only one jack rules out sacrificial lamb which I think is a pretty good spell but obviously I don't play Menoth so I'm going to have to defer to the wisdom of the super series champion here.  True path makes warrior models (so not jacks) lightning fast. I'm assuming Madelyn Corbeau is there to make Anastasia di Bray even more devastating, if she gets close enough to your warcaster everything within 8" (9 with MC) gets to move and attack again. A troop based army without Menoths signature jack support. I would have liked to see this army play).

Harbinger of Menoth
- Reckoner
- Hierophant

Avatar of Menoth
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist
Choir of Menoth (4)
Daughters of the Flame (6)
Daughters of the Flame (6)
Knights Exemplar Seneschal
Knights Exemplar Seneschal
3 Wracks
Vassal Mechanic
The Covenant of Menoth
Vassal of Menoth
Visgoth Rhoven and Honour Guard
(If you don't hate the Harbinger of Menoth you are a Menoth Player. Not surprised to see the covenant in a list with Harbinger, or two Knights Exemplat Seneschals, or Rhoven + honour gaurd. I cringed just reading this list. Not exactly sure what I'd do against this list aside from walking around the table and kicking my opponent in the balls.)

High Exemplar Kreoss
- Reckoner
- Reckoner

Choir of Menoth  (4)
Flameguard Cleansers (6)
Holy Zealots (10)
- Monolith Bearer
Idrian Skirmishers  (10)
- Idrian Skirmisher Chieftain & Guide
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord
Vassal of Menoth 
Wracks  (3)
(pKreoss the battlebox caster, lots of anti-magic, great feat guarantees auto hits for one round, with Aiyana and Holt to boost damage on a key target. Lots of things with assault to make that feat round even more brutal and some protection to keep the army alive until that point. This army looks reliant on doing a lot of damage on one key turn. This is the army that won the final game against eMadrak.)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Battle Report - Battle for Thirroul

Legion of Everblight
Standard Army
PCs: 25 / 25
15 models

[00] Bethayne, Voice of Everblight (0 / 3 WB)
[00]  >> Belphagor (Companion)
[09]  >> Scythean
[08]  >> Seraph
[08] Blighted Nyss Hex Hunter (9 grunts)
[03]  >> Bayal, Hound of Everblight


Protectorate of Menoth
Standard Army
PCs: 25 / 25
15 models

[00] Thyra, Flame of Sorrow (0 / 6 WJ remaining)
[06]  >> Crusader
[08]  >> Vanquisher
[04]  >> Repenter
[08] Exemplar Cinerators (4 grunts)
[05] Daughters of the Flame

Scenario: Gaining Ground

Turn 1:
Scythean and hex hunters advanced to the end of the second box.

Daughters charged the scythean and ran into the second box. Failed to damage the scythean.

Turn 2
Hex hunters charged the daughters, killed all but two and almost opened a charge lane for the scythean. Seraph advanced, slipstreamed the scythean into that charge lane and sprayed the vanquisher scratching the paint. Bethaine killed a daughter with gallows and Belphagore through up it's animus around Bethaine to stop the remaining daughter from charging her. Scythean charged the vanquisher also getting the repenter in it's melee range. Trashed the Vanquisher and almost trashed the Repenter again.

Thrya gave 3 focus to the Crusader, advanced, feated and cast carnage. The Repenter used her feat to move into position to spray the hex hunters while forfeiting movement; killed two. Crusader charged the Scythean (already wounded), rolling straight damage with average rolls enough to kill it with ease but managed to roll terribly and leave it alive with one damage box. Cinerators charged in and carved up the hex hunters. Carnage cancelling out Ashen Veil. Managed to take out half the unit including Bayal.

Turn 3
Bethaine healed the Scythean twice to bring it to full battle effectiveness. She then feated and charged the last daughter killing it. Remaining hex hunters killed two Cinerators. Scythean trashed the Crusader and left the repenter on only a few wounds. Seraph managed to get into position to get some shots on Thyra. Rolled a hit and a critical (for critical poison) and then 15 damage to kill her with one shot.

Round 2 wrap up

The trolls have retreated from the region following another lead in their attempt to save their chief. There was little time to celebrate their absence though before forces from the Protectorate of Menoth invaded.

The North
As infrastructure collapses in the north the forces of Menoth and the servants of Everblight clashed for control. The army of Menoth was defeated and Everblight now has control over what is left of the northern suburbs. Reinholdt is now being held by the dragonspawn.

The Mountains
Skorne and Khador both attempted to gain control of important tactical mountain paths and the forces of Cygnar were in place to mount a strong defence. Dominar Rasheth of the Skorne managed to defeat both opposing armies and has discovered secret trails leading to many different areas throughout the city.

Lake Illawarra
The Cryx moved into the area surrounding the lake as soon as the flood waters subsided hoping that they could gain control of the region before the forces of Cygnar were able to mount a defence. However commander Nemo was ready for the move and launched an attack before the cryx were settled. He was however repelled and for the moment the lake belongs to the dragon father.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tournament! (WOOO!)

Awesome day of gaming today. I took two lists:

Legion of Everblight
Standard Army
PCs: 35 / 35
10 models

[00] Saeryn, Omen of Everblight (0 / 5 WB)
[12]  >> Typhon
[09]  >> Scythean
[08]  >> Seraph
[02]  >> Shredder
[02]  >> Shredder
[02]  >> Shredder
[02] The Forsaken
[02] The Forsaken
[01] Blighted Nyss Shepherd

Legion of Everblight
Standard Army
PCs: 35 / 35
13 models

[00] Lylyth, Herald of Everblight (0 / 6 WB)
[12]  >> Typhon
[08]  >> Seraph
[02]  >> Shredder
[04] Annyssa Ryvaal, Talon of Everblight
[02] Strider Deathstalker
[02] The Forsaken
[01] Blighted Nyss Shepherd
[10] Blighted Nyss Raptors (4 grunts)

Saern is the primary caster, she's an absolute beast and even after today I have not lost a game with her. She does however have very bad match ups against shooting armies. Cygnar (in particular Seige) and Retribution are two very bad match ups. I wanted a second caster who would do well against shooting, it was down to Lylyth and Thagrosh, Lylyth is a very assassiny (I'm allowed to make up words) caster, where as Thags is attrition and soaking up damage. I went for the chick with the cleavage. 

Game 1: Killbox

I was playing some guy named Theo, seemed a good sort. Though he had Cygnar (usually a bad match up for Saern) he had very little shooting so I felt confident unleashing Saern.

Turn 1: Everblight
Slipstreamed the Scythean and Typhon and ran. This got my two beasts 14" up the board Shredders ran as well and the shepherd calmed the Seraph. The forsaken also ran. 

Cygnar: Theo advanced slowly, staying at range and dropping Polarity shield across his line of jacks. The Black 13th went up one flank and Taryn de la Rovissi up the other. 

Turn 2: Theo had unfortunately strayed just too close. Slipstream on the scythean brought it into range and it scrapped a Centurion. Typhon sent three sprays onto something (?) and the Seraph sprayed some useless shots. One of the shredders ran up to the back 13th and allowed Saern to blight field through them killing 2 of the 3 gun mages. FEAT!

Theo unable to attack anything in melee backed off and put up a polarity field line again. Unfortunately this scenario was killbox so his caster had to be forward inside the square, this left him with his two jacks right up against his caster on the edge of the box. 

Turn 3: Slipstreamed the Scythean to the right, though he could not charge the Centurion he noe had line of sight to Nemo who had no such charge restriction. To make matters worse Typhon lined up three sprays through the Centurion. Despite having 3 boosted shots at Nemo only one managed to hit but I did roll ridiculously high damage and Nemo was left looking very unhappy. The Scythean then charged and the game was over. 

Game 2: Everblight - Killbox

This game was against Scott 1. He took pThags 2 Carniveans and 2 Scytheans. Saern was pretty much an auto win against this list so I had to take her again even though it would mean that I could not take her in the final. 

Turn 1: I run forward. Slipstream Typhon.

Scott advanced and threw down spiny growth (+2 ARM and d3 damage to any jack or beast that hits the model in melee) on 3 of his beasts. He stayed back enough that he was about 11" away for beasts that charge 9". 

Turn 2: Slipstreamed Typhon and the Scythean. Bringing them both into charge range and feat. Typhon trashed the beast without spiny growth (carni) and engaged the other Carni. Scythean rolled so badly he was almost sacked and failed to kill the scythean he was fighting. Seraph shot and I believe did 3 damage. Two Forsaken sucked up some fury and the shredders ran to engage the unengaged Scythean (one made it). 

Scott: unable to attack he backed off his Scythean engaged by the shredder (which promptly did 8 damage to it) and hid the Scythean and Thags around the side of a conveniently placed house. 

Turn 3: Typhon trashed the other Carni and my Scythean finished off the Scythean he had been fighting. Stuff moved to get into position to get around the house. 

Scott: Brought a Carni back to life. Charged my Scythean with a Scythean and hurt him. Thags himself charged a forsaken and killed him and a shredder. 

Turn 4: My Scythean killed the last Scythean. Typhon moved up to spray Thagrosh and failed miserably. Shredder engaged Thagrosh and Saern cast blight shroud for a little damage.

Scott: Moved the Carni over to kill the shredder. Thagrosh killed Typhon only to have him respawn 3" away behind the new conveniently placed cloud which stopped Thagrosh from casting spells at him.

Turn 5: Saern moved up now throwing a deathspur at Thags, did no damage but now he could no longer transfer damage. First time I've actually used that. She also cast breath stealer on him so now he was -2 DEF.  Three shots from the Seraph and three sprays from Typhon later and Thagrosh was no more.

The Grand Final - Scott 2 (Menoth) - Overun

Unfortunately for me I still would not face an army with shooting so pLylyth would have to operate outside her comfort zone. 

Turn 1: Everblight ran forward toward the zone in the middle. Cav went wide and ludicrously fast down the flank. (18" run move + 5" light cav move). 

Scott: Dropped +2 DEF +2 ARM on the daughters and ran them to engage me (DEF 17 daughters and my other list had most of my high DEF removal). Arc noded Ashes to Ashes to damage my cav. 

Turn 2: (or the turn where I needed to roll 1 more). Shredder went rabid and engaged a daughter 12 to hit everything boosts from rabid, two attacks two 11s. Typhon engaged against a daughter rolled 3 attacks, 10s to hit, a five and two 9s (even I had to laugh at that stage) Seraph sprayed 3 boosted shots, all missed, two again missed by just 1. Lylyth herself had a shot and hit and killed a daughter. The Strider deathstalker missed and the forsaken had to draw in some fury. The cav trashed the arc node and dropped back 5".

Turns out Scott had two arc nods and dropped Ashes to Ashes through the second node killing all but 1 cav (who promptly started fleeing). Daughters did very little damage killing only the forsaken and charging my caster. 

Turn 3: Feat. Bugger it, the daughters have to die and they did. Typhon went forward to spray but I forgot that the flameguard cleansers had reach. Typhon has gunfighter but if you are between 0.5" to 2" away from a model you can't shoot. (whoops).

Scott: managed to get a shot at my caster with one of his jacks and a charge with reach from the flameguard cleansers and Lylyth went squish.

Final Thoughts

So 2nd place. I'm pretty happy, Lylyth had a bad match up but I should have managed my lists better, possibly taken Lylyth against Theo. I think Kallus might be the best second caster for Saern so I might give him a run next tournament, just need another box of incubi (which my prize money will hopefully cover), though at 50 points eVayl might be the go. When the Naga Nightlurker is released that would probably be a very good addition to this list. It's animus gives blessed which would have enabled me to ignore the DEF buff on the daughters and made a huge difference. 

Diversion - Battle for Gwynneville

Legion of Everblight
Standard Army
PCs: 35 / 35
8 models

[00] Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight (0 / 5 WB)
[12]  >> Typhon
[11]  >> Carnivean
[09]  >> Scythean
[02]  >> Shredder
[02]  >> Shredder
[02] The Forsaken
[02] The Forsaken


Standard Army
PCs: 35 / 35
19 models

[00] Iron Lich Asphyxious (0 / 6 WJ remaining)
[02]  >> Skarlock Thrall
[07]  >> Reaper
[05]  >> Cankerworm
[04]  >> Nightwretch
[04] Darragh Wrathe
[02] Warwitch Siren
[03] Pistol Wraith
[05] Bane Thralls (5 grunts)
[09] Soulhunters (4 grunts)

This was a week ago (I've been ridiculously busy) so this is going to be a rough summary. Scenario was capture the flag. Both armies split into two groups to contest various flags.

Scythean took the left (defensive) flag and everything else went for the right. That same flag (aggressive for the cryx) was challenged by the soul hunters and a pistol wraith. Everything else went for the right flag.

On the left: Pistol wraith managed to force the scythean to forfeit either it's action, soul hunters circled around the back but eventually strayed too close to the scythean and it destroyed them. The pistol wraith was taken out by exploding forsaken.

On the right: Reaper pulled Typhon into combat wounded him and left him to be killed by the night wretch which then flow off up onto a hill to strike again next turn. Thagrosh brought Typhon back and the everblight trashed the reaper. The Cryx took out Tyhpon again (nightwretch again doing a fantastic amount of damage to the already damaged beast) and the bane's managed to put some hurt on the Carnivean. Everblight managed to kill Darragh Wrathe, the cankerworm, the skarlock thrall and most of the banes. They took out the carnivean and the warwitch siren charged Thagrosh, some lucky rolling mean that she hit (for the first time in the game - I suppose she was owed a hit) and managed to wound Thags. That left man of the match the nightwretch to charge in and finish off the blighted Ogrun. 

Thoughts - Nightwretch is fast and able to deal out a fair amount of damage to wounded models (particularly with scything touch and the banes). It would not be so good against an infantry heavy army but against everblight heavy beasts it is golden. I don't like Thagrosh, that's not to say he isn't a great caster, he's spectacular at 35 points but he lacks punch and drags games out, he's an attrition caster in a glass hammer faction. He might be a good second caster for tournaments. The Carnivean continues to underwhelm me with it's spectacular mediocreness.