Legion of Everblight
Fallen Angels (Saeryn, Omen of Everblight)
(Tier 4)
PCs: 35 / 35
10 models
[00] Saeryn, Omen of Everblight (0 / 5 WB)
[09] >> Angelius
[09] >> Angelius
[06] >> Nephilim Bolt Thrower
[00] >> Nephilim Bolt Thrower (Free (6 pc) & FA)
[05] >> Nephilim Protector
[05] >> Nephilim Soldier
[01] Blighted Nyss Shepherd
[01] Blighted Nyss Shepherd
[04] Blighted Nyss Sorceress & Hellion
A shredder, my kingdom for a shredder. Also I can't fit in any spell martyrs which means that Saeryn is playing way too far forwards for me to be happy. She does have a Protector to hide behind though. I've played this list a few times now against different opponents and I have no idea whether it is any good. None at all. It's winning games but a lot of that is Saeryn's massive scenario strength.
Pros - Free bolt thrower, 6 points free in a 35 point list is not bad. Extended deployment and plus one to go first with the speed of this army make it an absolute scenario monster. Then add in repulsion, breathe stealer, the pushes from the bolt throwers.
Cons - no shredders, no spell martyrs really hurt. The list is also incredibly pillow fisted. You have to tag team a heavy with both angels to maybe kill it. The Soldier does little to nothing and will be replaced with a bloodseer should I continue to play this list. Best use I have found so far is throwing its animus on an Angelius so it can dig in further and get a better repulsion. Also fury management is a problem. Due to the pillow-fistedness of the list two two Angels almost always have to max out (if for example you want to kill a single heavy) and because it's Saeryn they don't die. The Sorceress helps as you can try to leave them on 3 fury each but you do risk leaving they heavy they went after still standing and glaring angrily at them.
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