Monday, June 4, 2012

Mountain King

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So the rules for all the colossals are out now but this is the first Gargantuan and I'm not impressed. I loved the Stormwall and the Galleon and I loved the mountain king model but I am much less enthused about the rules. It's a point more than the Stormwall but it's got less ranged potential and less melee abilities, significantly less damage boxes and the stormwall has better DEF and better special abilities. Even when you consider the in faction buffs, the mountain king can get rage and the krielstone but you can take the journeyman warcaster and give the Stormwall arcane shield and Cygnar is full of shooting buffs.

That said that spray is going to be very good, spawn whelps looks like a fantastic ability. This thing is going to be good with epic Doomshaper. It needs wild aggression in order to be able to function but then it will kill anything it touches, he can put rage on it for free and the extra threat range he provides is going to be pretty essential, when you take into account the spray and the special shooting rules for colossals it's going to be a serious threat. It might be useful with some other casters, trollbloods have been crying out for a reach heavy other than Mulg...

The thing is without help it can only just destroy a Cygnar heavy in melee (meaning close to half the time it won't), and it's not going to be able to scrap a cryx heavy without some kind of buff (DEF 13 means 8s to hit, which means boosting to hit so only 3 good attacks). It has a lower damage output than Mulg (big difference between MAT 7 and MAT 5) only 14 more health and it's special abilities are not as good. Maybe I need to have more of a think about it and maybe see it in play but from looking at it now I think I'd rather have Mulg regardless of points cost and there is an 8 point difference there.

I may just need some more time to think about this. That spray is pretty good... I'll have more to say on this.

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