Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tinkerhouse Kickstarter

Speaking of kickstarter projects

Tinkerhouse games, the company that has thus far incompetently bumbled its way through war room are making a computer game. Clearly I'm going to pledge them all the monies. They have 54 backers currently, I suppose people like throwing money in wishing wells. Good luck you crazy bastards, you're going to need it. 

Base Stampers

I am actually supposed to be working, there are new regs out and I think reading through them has melted my brain. So I was browsing kickstarter as a way to avoid doing work and I saw this:

The top of a 25mm round base is the same as the inside of a 30mm base. I'm intrigued, enough that I will probably pledge once the guy gets back to me (I want Graveyard and Street but not the other ones if possible).

In other news Wollongong has a full confirmed team (Hooray!). I'm painting my circle very very slowly. I have the Alpha and Morvahna2 almost finished as well as a decent start on Cassius. 29 models to paint and all three circle lists I care about are fully painted. For the 35 point thing coming up (August 10 at GG Wollongong) I'm going to be taking Kromac and Morvahna2:

Circle Orboros
Standard Army
PCs: 35 / 35
21 models

[00] Morvahna the Dawnshadow (0 / 5 WB)
[10]  >> Warpwolf Stalker
[04]  >> Gorax
[01] Gallows Grove
[01] Gallows Grove
[02] Shifting Stones
[01]  >> Stone Keeper
[10] Tharn Blood Pack (5 grunts)
[08] Warpborn Skinwalkers (4 grunts)
[03]  >> Warpborn Alpha

Circle Orboros
Standard Army
PCs: 35 / 35
21 models

[00] Kromac the Ravenous (0 / 4 WB)
[02]  >> Druid Wilder
[10]  >> Warpwolf Stalker
[10]  >> Warpwolf Stalker
[04]  >> Gorax
[02] Blackclad Wayfarer
[05] Druid Stoneward & Woldstalkers
[02] Shifting Stones
[01]  >> Stone Keeper
[02] Shifting Stones
[01] Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew

Not particularly happy with either list (neither caster really looks at 35 points with relish) but need practice with those casters. I might drop Kromac since I don't have Ghettorix yet (Omnus is painting him for me) and try someone who likes the point level. Kaya1 or Grayle maybe.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Goat Update

I was attempting to work yesterday (that's a lie, I was sitting at my computer looking like I was attempting to work) when the hamster decided to hop on the wheel in my brain and go for a spin. I ended up with this thought - Why not just take all the 8 wound models?

Circle Orboros
Standard Army
PCs: 50 / 50
32 models

[00] Morvahna the Dawnshadow (0 / 5 WB)
[02]  >> Druid Wilder
[10]  >> Warpwolf Stalker
[04]  >> Gorax
[01] Gallows Grove
[01] Gallows Grove
[02] Shifting Stones
[01]  >> Stone Keeper
[02] Shifting Stones
[10] Tharn Blood Pack (5 grunts)
[09] Tharn Ravagers (5 grunts)
[02]  >> Tharn Ravager Chieftain
[08] Warpborn Skinwalkers (4 grunts)
[03]  >> Warpborn Alpha

Ravagers charge at POW 15 so this gives me extra ARM cracking should I need it and while carnivore may take away heart eater it's still a useful option and so far I have not used it on the Wolves (only the Skinwalkers and Stalker, the Wolves just tend to die to a hole bunch of random crap). Ravagers have medium bases preventing tramples to get in the zone and advance deploy which both helps in my scenario game and with the spread of my army (been spreading out pretty far sideways with my old list). I also get a second unit of stones which I can use to either keep my stalker further back until needed or just heal Morvahna. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Happy Troll Friends

Been trying to work out if there is a troll equivalent to the epic kruegar list with all the minion warlocks. There are three possibilities:

Calandra - Feat affects minion models (they reroll ones and twos) and she brings starcrossed. However they do not get the benefit of Fate Blessed which is one of her major abilities. 

Grim Angus - Great control feat, you lose bait the line for most of your beasts but you still have the snare gun and cross country is friendly faction too. 

Jarl - Everything works on the minion beasts, quicken is pretty good and he does a lot of work himself removing infantry so you can.

I think it has to be Calandra. If you want to get use out of haunting melody you need a way to keep Dahlia alive and star crossed might be the best way to do that. That does mean that we probably want a bomber for girded but that isn't a huge sacrifice (Oh no, how will I ever build a good list with a bomber in it?). The question of whether or not to take an impaler with that bomber is an interesting one though, snipe would work on Gun Boars if I brought them but I don't think they are worth dropping Rok or Snapjaw. So here is what I have:

Standard Army
PCs: 50 / 50
11 models

[00] Calandra Truthsayer, Oracle of the Glimmerwood (0 / 5 WB)
[11]  >> Rök
[10]  >> Dire Troll Bomber
[05]  >> Troll Impaler
[09] Dahlia Hallyr
[00]  >> Skarath (Companion)
[02] Viktor Pendrake
[09] Rorsh
[00]  >> Brine (Companion)
[09] Wrong Eye
[00]  >> Snapjaw (Companion)

Not sure when I'm actually going to get a chance to give it a run. I'm trying to learn circle at the moment and there is a lot to learn. I'm actually pretty happy with the list, I'd like a bull snapper in there and if I make a change it will be Impaler for Bull Snapper and Runebearer. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Riding the Goat

I have a few games under my belt with Morvahna2 now and I thought I'd jot down my thoughts on the list so far. 

1. The list is a scenario monster. Between the feat, the extra SPD on the Skinwalkers and the speed of the blood pack and Wolves and the fact that I often really don't care what you kill I have been pushing my opponent back and dominating zones with near impunity.The list does require a lot of table space, it spreads out a lot which can be an issue getting the match ups that you want but so far Morvahna can just power through. 

2. ARM is not a problem. The Stalker which is supposed to be my answer to heavies has yet to even swing at one, it sits behind my troops in the shifting stones (until one dies) warps prowl, sprints and kills the nearest stuff allowing me to push further forwards. Between Morraig, Skinwalkers and Powerswell I can hand out enough damage to scare heavies and there is no reason the Stalker ever has to be in threat range of one. I've so far not played her against less than 2 heavies and have faced a colossal. You can just pin the colossal back behind a wall of Wolves. Kromac is still who I would drop against a list with a lot of heavies but I don't think they are a huge problem any more.

3. Shifting stones are awesome in this list. I love the extra healing they can bring Morvahna when they don't need to teleport anything, getting the most out of them without losing them though is something I have to work on. The change to the list I am most considering is dropping the Wilder for a second unit of stones. So far she has cast sprint once when there was no other good way to do it and done nothing else. 

4. Reeves? Still have not tried them. Been sticking to the same list with her and having so far been impressed I'm probably sticking with it in general. The one weakness I have found with her is that she lacks long range assassination threats and the Reeves + War Wolf combination does give her that extra dimension. Death Knell just doesn't do enough damage and of course against hordes is not particularly useful.

5. Blood Pack. The forums said they were awful so clearly they must be awful. All those extra 8 wound models she brings back with the feat, plus 18" ranged threat at RAT 6 POW 13 with rerolls if needed. I was a little sceptical of them at first but they are growing on me with every game. MAT 7 helps too, they are very combined arms and man is it awesome when they pick up a corpse token or two and use it to boost a ranged attack or damage roll. They are fearless so I'm not worried about leaving that one guy out of command in order to feat back the unit. I intend to put a Stalker in with the list as a specialist and swap out the blood pack if I am really worried about my opponent's heavies. 

6. Rerolls. She can't reroll nearly enough stuff. There I said it. I want more rerolls. People just aren't giving me enough living troops to kill. 

All in all I still need practice but it says a lot about how good she is that I am undefeated with her in a new faction where I still don't know half the rules on all the models. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Phateiryss, Angel of Retribroken

Done by Pear on the Muse on Minis forums.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Pairing the Lich

I'm half on holidays at the moment so I decided to spend some time trying to work out what I would pair with Asphixious2.

I'll be honest, I'm not normally this formal when working out a pairing. I have an idea of the weakness of a list before I play it, then I play it against that weakness and against a bunch of other crap and then I know what I want to drop a list against and what I don't want to drop a list against. However not playing Cryx I decided to do it the formal way and go through all the match ups.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Who's the Boss Wollongong

We had our Who's The Boss warm up today and it was a bucket of fun. Ed won the event despite only winning one of the three games we played. I thought I would recount my stories:

My army was:

Mulg (12)
Earthborn (10)
Pyre (5)
Janissa (3)
Full Krielstone and Elder (5)

Round 1: MacBain

Mulg is pretty good at ARM 25. I was playing against the high reclaimer in Khador. I used Energizer and a SPD boost from water to get an Earthborn with Flaming Fists into a Juggernaught through the clouds (walking + Energizer + SPD boost from water = 10.5" of threat). It killed it, Uli counter attacked with a Devastator and a unit of Shocktroopers but the shocktroopers all missed and the Devastator doesn't hit hard enough to get the job done. High Reclaimer moved up behind the shocktroopers and Mulg crit slammed one over him before energizing into melee and getting 2 jackhammers which finished the job. MacBain is an awesome troll caster. I picked up some extra points by not feating too so that was good.

Round 2: Karchev

Excited right from the start. I cast tow, went for +2 SPD and charged dragging Mulg up the field before he ran another 8". My opponent was playing Cryx with Caine1, normally a terrible combination but he had a Krakken and that thing does like snipe. I thought for sure Janissa was going to die but he shot at Mulg, missed the big gun and did just enough to give him a SPD burst next turn. I upkept tow and had the Pyre Troll cast flaming fists on Mulg, Karchev popped his feat, picked SPD again and cast unearthly Rage then charged at an angle bringing Mulg forward a few more inches I had to charge to the left diagonally and Mulg to the right diagonally (a bit) but Mulg was now in range to charge the Krakken and be in reach range. Turns out Mulg charging for free with unearthly rage and flaming fists hits pretty hard, I killed the Krakken with fury to spare. The deathjack killed Mulg but the earthborn then finished off the deathjack and the warwitch siren. Karchev then won on scenario with Caine and the Scarlock thrall still in their deployment zone.

Round 3: Mohsar

Mohsar is actually not a bad caster for trolls but I always had it in my head to respin at some point for better/worse caster. As I was lining up for turn 2 I was looking at a Stalker just out of range of my earthborn that I really wanted to kill and not much else happening. I went for the respin and picked up Makeda2. I managed to avoid doing the happy dance. Earthborn rocketed up the field under the feat to kill the Stalker (thank you leash and road to war) and Harry knew he couldn't win (he had used his respin to avoid the journeymen casters) so he went for points. I tried to get Mulg to one shot the high reclaimer but he failed, he did manage to crit slam her into range of a pyre troll to finish the job.

Top Moments for the day:

Unearthly Rage in trolls
Graham attempting to commit suicide to deny Ed the championship but instead making his first tough roll of the game.
A stalker under Kraye trampling 15" to one shot Haley1

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Important Points:

p. 17. Massive.
Replace the text of Massive with the following:
A gargantuan cannot be pushed, knocked down, or made stationary. A gargantuan cannot be moved by a slam or throw.

So you can now take throw and slam damage on a gargantuan they just don't move.

Taryn di la Rovissi, Llaelese Gun Mage. Shadow Fire.
Replace the text of Shadow Fire with the following:
The model hit does not block LOS this turn.

So Taryn can now allow models that are not mercenaries to ignore LOS. Add that to the fact that she is generally a boss and she is now in every Cygnar list.

Cyclops Shaman. Primal Magic.
Replace the text of Primal Magic with:
This model can use the animus of any friendly Faction non-character warbeast in its command range as if the animus were its own.

Massive nerf to the Shaman as it can no longer use Fate Walker (Molik's animus). Used to be a great arc node for the Hexies.


Lich Lord Asphyxious. Spectral Legion.
Replace the text of Spectral Legion with the following:
Return up to ten friendly destroyed non-warcaster small- or medium-based Faction grunts to play, placing them within 3˝ of Asphyxious. Returned models gain Undead and Ghostly, become solos, and cannot be attacked or damaged for one turn. Returned models must charge during their activations and leave play at the end of this turn. (A model with Ghostly can advance through terrain and obstacles without penalty and can advance through obstructions if it has enough movement to move completely past them. A model with Ghostly cannot be targeted by free strikes.)

Asphyxious2 can no longer bring back Tartarus, the Bane thrall UA, the Blood Hag UA (which allows you to annul tough in her command) warwitch sirens (shadow bind anything you don't kill) or any other solos or unit leaders/officers. I love it. It doesn't take anything away from asphixious, you can still have all those abilities but now you need to protect those models. It was pretty annoying to play against an asphyxious player and have them kill their own Tartarus so you can't RFP him.

Monday, July 15, 2013

New List Dojo!

Duff beer is brewed from hops, barley, and sparkling clear mountain... what?

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Who's The Boss Wollongong

We are going to have a practice run of Who's The Boss next sunday. Just to give everyone a feel for the format. Bring your casters (this applies mainly to me though since I think the rest of you bring all your models).

Lists - 30 points plus 5 warjack/warbeast points

If you are taking Mercs/Minions you build for a contract/pact. No theme forces (as you have no caster).

Friday, July 12, 2013

Kovnik Andrei Malakov

Another quick thing about another guy that has me excited.

Khador doesn't have a lot of reasons to take warjacks but this guy gives them one. Redline + Boundless Charge (which Sorscha1, 2, Vlad1 and Butcher2 all have) brings the threat on a Juggernaught to 11.5" and it hits ludicrously hard. For 7 points. Khador have been struggling with the POW 12s stopping their infantry from getting to Haley's Stormwall, a Juggernaught has less trouble with that. With signs and portents you need to shoot off arcane shield (with Eiryss) but that is almost enough to one round Stormwall on average dice. With Aiyana and Holt you do it for sure. With Vlad1 in particular you can take a Jack on Vlad (Conquest or Behemoth) and the Juggernaught on Malakov and you have a lot of threat you can project. With Conquest and Behemoth you have enough focus to put one high POW boosted shot into the Stormwall that turn which is enough for the Juggernaught to one round it. The other options are the Spriggan for 13" of threat or double Beserkers, if you need to give them focus you can (and then they probably explode), otherwise you can hot-swap Redline. A charge for free with two POW 18s and a head butt is plenty of damage, particularly again with Signs and Portents or Sorcha2's feat. Behemoth with him is an interesting consideration. Conquest I'm not sure about. Conquest + Boundless Charge + Redline + 3 focus will kill anything in the game but I don't know how much protection sucker offers him. It might not be enough. It doesn't work on magical attacks or AOEs and boosted blast damage will probably kill this guy.

He's Especially Good at Expectorating

A shiny cookie for everyone who now has that song stuck in their heads.

Gaston Crosse

Just a few thoughts on the kickstarter model I am most excited about. He will be in a lot of lists, I'm not quite sure how many yet but even in Cygnar I expect to have trouble with character restrictions stopping him from being in both lists. Sprint with your ranged attack is brilliant.He shoots really well himself, the Vangaurd is the best light in the game at 5 points, at 4 points it's getting to auto include territory.

This is something that is going to require some playtesting. Galleon does not use his moving shadows ability but he does allow you to take a Galleon in Cygnar lists. And Arcane shield it. You can also take Dougal and cast fire group and snipe the damn thing too for range a billion (technically it can only shoot stuff that is 27" away, with +4 to hit from Rangers and Dougal). The major issue with this is it leaves Gaston 14/14, 8" behind the Galleon and if you can kill him the Galleon becomes impassable terrain. You can take Haley2 and he's 16/16 which is better, and you can take Galleon and a Stormwall., deadeye the Harpoon shot or just take Thorn with Haley so you can throw out her spells. It's interesting and someone, somewhere will do it (me, I will do it).

If Gaston has Rocinante no one benefits from Guard dog but I think the Jack is still worth taking. With RNG 14 POW 14 on its gun and it can benefit from either Moving Shadows or fire group it's a handy companion to the man. He can still give it 3 focus in melee as well and let it kill some stuff. It's interesting at least, not an option for Mercs but something worth having a look at in Cygnar.

I'm still down on these jacks, He can't double boost and use fire group and moving shadows so you are still going to have the range problem with the Mule. The Mariner too is very squishy and he really wants to be 8" back from his jack not next to it loading it. Of these two the Mariner is the better option but if you aren't taking Rocinante in any of your lists pay the extra point.

4 point Vanguards. This will take my head some time to wrap around but I think taking two Vangaurds with this guy is never a bad move. Double Vanguard was my favourite reinforcement option in Mercs last year. They become among the hardest 8 points in the game to remove and they fight really well. On top of that you have shield guard.

No Jacks
He has a RNG 12, POW 12 hand cannon with ROF 2, it's magical and he has 4 focus every turn to boost with. He may only be RAT 5 but that is straight up worth it. At the very least once his jacks have died you still have an awesome model that is going to keep doing work.

Which Casters?
Haley1 is an obvious choice. Haley2 with either single or double Vanguard or a Galleon or fuck it, double Vangaurd and Galleon all seem good. That will however restrict her match ups. You just can't drop that against Irusk or Seige or someone else who can just snipe him out. Gorten is going to love this guy and makes him immune to blast damage (and can put him behind a wall if he doesn't need it). Ashlynn probably wants him too and you can now take a Galleon in a Durgen list. Also in Cygnar it's an option with Nemo1, Seige and either Caine. Time will tell what lists he stays in.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Warmachine Tactics

The kickstarter launched last night. There are 8 models available for warmachine, the sculpts available in the kickstarter will all be exclusive to the kickstarter though there will eventually be regular sculpts of these characters available.

I may have picked up all 8. Also first warcaster to die and come back as a Cryx caster, very excited for the game.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Journeymans for Everyone

Everyone is getting a character journeyman and there will be limited edition sculpts of those models released in the kickstarter. Just in case you weren't going to be a part of that before now.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tournament Wrap GG CBD

Just a quick one:

Game1: Jeff

He played Madrak1 and I played Vayl1. I like Vayl1 against trolls and she showed me why. Whenever I attacked anything important I had Chiller and Incite up. I pulled out a beast with Rampager, killed it and feated to safety then took out another heavy before Jeff could touch anything but my infantry. I also rampaged through his infantry. I was way ahead on attrition and Jeff went for the scenario victory. He had to kill a shredder to clear the flag he had any chance of clearing and sent in an earthborn to do it. All initials and 5 fury later and the shredder was still standing. Madrak stepped up and had to spend 4 fury to kill the thing so I assassinated him.

Game 2: Nathan

Haley2 vs Vayl2. I'm not confident about this match up. My basic game plan from the start is to wait for Haley to spend some focus and be somewhere I can get to her for the double oblit assassination. He even killboxes himself to stop me from getting it but has to move up on his next turn or I just win. I go for the assassination even though Haley is camping 7 focus and pull it off (with a Ravagore shot and an Angel shot as well).

Gamed 3: Other Jeff

He plays Vyros1, I play Vayl2. The game is super close all the way through. It comes down to me having to kill a beaten up Hyperion for the win. I have already hit it with an Angel thrust and two Ravagore shots so it's a bit hurt. I throw everything at it and it ends the turn on 1 damage box. Vyros uses it to flank with my two Angels which I had to refuge into the zone to stop him winning on scenario (He has almost nothing else left and I have 4 heavies). He kills one but leaves the other on a few boxes, mage hunter infiltrators move up and put some more damage on it and again leave it on one box. However he still has Sylys who moves up, rolls a 9 to hit it and an 11 to win the game.

I ended up coming 4th or something on strength of schedule (not third, maybe 5th). The pair up won (and came second) so that was the end of the tournament. It was a great day and I had a lot of fun. I always enjoy the Sydney events and hanging with the Sydney crowd.

City Of Origin Tournament

Town Hall presents…

A Warmachine production…


On the 7th of September, Town Hall will be hosting the first ever City of Origin.

Four great cities will engage in a battle, to determine who will take home the inaugural title, and the winner-take-all 1st prize of $700 in store credit. 

The cities partaking in this event include: 
Canberra; and 

Location for this series is:
Good Games Sydney – Town Hall
222 Clarence St, Sydney 2000

Format: Round Robin (3 rounds), followed by a play-off between 1st and 2nd, and 3rd and 4th. 
50 points + Specialists (10pts)
2 Lists
Number of players per team: 7
Entry fee per player: $35

Each pairing for each round will be randomised, and timing and scenarios will be as per SR 2013.
The City of Origin will be an ongoing event, and following this pilot run, more cities will be invited to take part.

If you’re interested in being selected to represent your city, please contact the following people: 

Newcastle: Marty at –

Wollongong: Anthony at or Pat at -

Canberra: James Moorhouse or Brad Scott at –

Sydney: Jeff Galea at –

More details will be made available closer to the date of the event.

Town Hall looks forward to your attendance…

There is a team tournament coming up and Wollongong is invited (Wooo!). If people want to come let me know. I hope we can get exactly 7, I really don't want to turn anyone away or bring in a ringer.

So far I have interest from:

Theo (Theo if you are reading this, confirm this)

Which is a team.

The major problem is that this will be on the same day as who's the boss was planned but Eric is talking about moving it due to the interest in this tournament. If the other Wollongong guys who see this can give me their thoughts (in, not in, maybe, if needed to make up numbers) to help me figure this out that would be awesome.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Pairing for Rask

I want to take Rask to a tournament in the near future (as soon as the shamblers come out), the list I have for him is here:

Blindwater Congregation
PCs: 50 / 50
32 models

[00] Rask (0 / 6 WB)
[09]  >> Blackhide Wrastler
[08]  >> Swamp Horror
[03]  >> Bull Snapper
[02] Viktor Pendrake
[01] Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew
[06] Gatorman Bokor & Bog Trog Swamp Shamblers
[09] Gatorman Posse (4 grunts)
[09] Gatorman Posse (4 grunts)
[09] Gatorman Posse (4 grunts)

With a possible exchange being made Wrastler for Wrong Eye and Snapjaw. He doesn't need Snapjaw though and he is character restricted. Also I'm finding that I kind of like the Wrastler in his list. 

The issue I'm having is finding a pair that I like. There is Maelok and Barnabas:

Blindwater Congregation
PCs: 50 / 50
27 models

[00] Maelok the Dreadbound (0 / 6 WB)
[03]  >> Bull Snapper
[03]  >> Bull Snapper
[03] Totem Hunter
[01] Feralgeist
[09] Wrong Eye
[00]  >> Snapjaw (Companion)
[03] Gatorman Witch Doctor
[03] Gatorman Witch Doctor
[03] Gatorman Witch Doctor
[01] Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew
[09] Gatorman Posse (4 grunts)
[09] Gatorman Posse (4 grunts)
[09] Gatorman Posse (4 grunts)

Apex Predators (Bloody Barnabas)
(Tier 4) 
PCs: 50 / 50
26 models

[00] Bloody Barnabas (0 / 6 WB)
[07]  >> Ironback Spitter
[07]  >> Ironback Spitter
[07]  >> Ironback Spitter
[03]  >> Bull Snapper
[05] Bog Trog Ambushers (5 grunts)
[09] Gatorman Posse (4 grunts)
[09] Gatorman Posse (4 grunts)
[09] Gatorman Posse (4 grunts)

but they all have a very similar composition and very different roles. They both handle infantry really well and ARM stacking or colossals really poorly. It creates a list choice scenario where your opponent doesn't care which list you pick and you really do care what your opponent picks. 

The Golden Horde (Lord Carver, BBMD, Esq. III)
(Tier 4) 
PCs: 50 / 50
27 models

[00] Lord Carver, BMMD, Esq. III (0 / 6 WB)
[09]  >> Road Hog
[08]  >> War Hog
[08]  >> War Hog
[08]  >> War Hog
[09] Rorsh
[00]  >> Brine (Companion)
[07] Farrow Brigands (9 grunts)
[07] Farrow Brigands (9 grunts)

You gain advance move on all your beasts, you have Mobility and one unit of Brigands advance deploys. It puts you way across the table turn 1. If you go first your war hogs are an inch from the centre line before your opponent moves. 

Split Decision (Sturm and Drang)
(Tier 4) 
PCs: 50 / 50
20 models

[00] Sturm & Drang (0 / 5 WB)
[02]  >> Targ
[08]  >> Road Hog
[08]  >> Road Hog
[08]  >> War Hog
[08]  >> War Hog
[09] Rorsh
[00]  >> Brine (Companion)
[06] Farrow Slaughterhousers
[06] Farrow Slaughterhousers

I generally do the same thing as Carver here, you can choose +2 SPD for all your beasts first turn (and you can't cast any good spells) or you get your upkeeps out for free. If my opponent has a fast army I'll choose upkeeps otherwise you can again get way up the table (though not as far as Carver, at least with the War Hogs). 

Lastly there is Midas:

Butcher's Block (Midas)
(Tier 4) 
PCs: 50 / 50
32 models

[00] Midas (0 / 5 WB)
[02]  >> Targ
[09]  >> Road Hog
[09]  >> Road Hog
[08]  >> War Hog
[08] (Dead)  >> War Hog
[04]  >> Boneswarm
[02]  >> Razor Boar
[02]  >> Razor Boar
[02]  >> Razor Boar
[03] Farrow Bone Grinders (5 grunts)
[02] Farrow Bone Grinders (3 grunts)
[06] Farrow Slaughterhousers
[06] Farrow Slaughterhousers

Still not sold on this list. 

So far I think the front runner is Carver because I'm 4 Brigands short of being fully painted in that list. I do like Sturm and Drang and Midas looks like he would take a lot of finesse. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

I should not play Warmachine when I'm not sleeping

There was a warmachine tournament on Saturday up at good games Hurstville and I, Harry, Uli and Theo attended. It was a great event, Eric ran it and did a great job and the Hurstville store is a great store to play in even if they have no Warmachine stock.

I played Stryker2 with Ol Rowdy, Precursor Knights and a Journeyman controlling a Sentinal. I should probably apologise to my opponents for being so out of it during most of the tournament (my Dad just got home from hospital the day before) but at least by the time I played Theo I was getting back into the grove of things. Quick wrap:

First game - against Borka:

I forgot that Stryker gains no knock down when next to Ol Rowdy after moving Ol Rowdy next to Stryker to stop him from being knocked down. Stryker was knocked down and assassinated with Arcane shield and most of his focus.

Game 2 - against Rhyas:

I moved up the sentinal next to Stryker to shield guard the shot from the Carnivean that was the only thing in range. Forgot to use the shield guard, and Eric rolled triple 6s on damage. Luckily I was still alive. Next turn I obliterated his whole army. I measured threat range to Rhyas but forgot about Dash despite the fact that Eric had been casting it every turn. I still would have lived had I had my full health though as Rhyas had to waste an attack on a Precursor grunt to feat to Stryker and Styker had arcane shield making him 16/19 and Eric rolled garbage.

Game 3 - Against Thyra:

I don't think I did anything stupid this game at all. I did ask Theo at least 5 or 6 times about threat ranges with the feat because my brain was having a little trouble absorbing it. I even did something smart having Ol Rowdy knock down the Avatar so Stryker could use his feat movement to get B2B with his flag and dominate without taking a free strike.

Highlight of the tournament - I only got to make one overload roll. Chose to roll 2 dice. Rolled double 1 for my increase in strength and then 5 and 6 for the damage I would take.

For Guild People - In 3 weeks I want to do a Who's the Boss practice session for us. It will use the casters we have available and give everyone a feel of what that format is about. So bring all your casters.