Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Battle Report - Battle of Blackbutt

Standard Army
PCs: 50 / 50
24 models

[00] Warwitch Deneghra (0 / 5 WJ remaining)
[02]  >> Skarlock Thrall
[12]  >> Deathjack
[05]  >> Cankerworm
[05]  >> Ripjaw
[04] Bane Lord Tartarus
[04] Darragh Wrathe
[03] Pistol Wraith
[03] Pistol Wraith
[08] Bane Thralls (9 grunts)
[09] Soulhunters (4 grunts)


Legion of Everblight
Standard Army
PCs: 50 / 50
10 models

[00] Saeryn, Omen of Everblight (0 / 5 WB)
[11]  >> Carnivean
[11]  >> Carnivean
[09]  >> Scythean
[09]  >> Angelius
[08]  >> Seraph
[02]  >> Shredder
[02]  >> Shredder
[02] The Forsaken
[01] Blighted Nyss Shepherd

Scenario - Revelation

You have to score on the flag on the right before you can score on the flag on the left. 3 points to win the match. 

Turn 1 Legion
The forces of the Everblight got the jump on the Cryx and surged forward. The Angelius hid behind the house in the centre of the board while a Carnivean went towards each flag, the Carnivean moving towards the first flag was supported by the Scythean (with Respawn). The Seraph stayed behind with Saern and the two shredders moved up on each flank. The Shepherd stayed on the left flank. 

Turn 1 Cryx
The deathjack moved forward on the objective 2 side of the house and the cankerworm and ripjaw hid behind the otherside of the house from the Angelius. Bane Thralls and Tartarus moved slowly towards the first objective while the cavalry surged down the other flank wide and jack behind the death jack. 

Turn 2 Legion
The Seraph slipstreamed the Carnivean forward and then blasted uselessly at the Deathjack. The Carnivean now found itself in assault range and charged forward spraying through to the soulhunters killing one. It failed to destroy the deathjack despite using all it's fury. The Angelius then flew over the house to drop in on the otherside of the deathjack and kill it with one armour piercing blow. The Shepherd moved forwards and took all the focus off the Carnivean and lastly on the left the shredder ran forward to around the centre of the soulhunters. Saern activated and used blight bringer on the shredder next to the soulhunters killing two and wounding another. She moved up to hide behind the building and then feated. The Carnivean on the right assaulted the obviously out of range Tartarus which allowed it to throw a spray through the bane knights killing a few but failing to kill Tartarus then used it's animus. The Scythean moved to the flag and the Forsaken moved next to Saern and took the focus off the carnivean. The last shredder ran for the pistol wraiths forgetting they were incorporeal. 

Turn 2 Cryx
Having little they could do this turn the two pistol wraiths ran to contest the first flag. The skarlock made ripjaw ghostly and sent it through the house to kill the shepherd. Denegra feated and then sent the cankerworm through the building too to engage the caster. The Soulhunters ran through the blight field (killing one) to engage the Seraph and Daragh wrath moved forward to throw a magic attack at Saern (missing). Bane's advanced. 

Turn 3 Legion
Carnivean turned around and failed to destroy Ripjaw, Scythean and forsaken together scrapped the cankerworm. Angelius flailed uselessly at the Darragh and Seraph killed the Soulhunter. Saern blew up a pistol wraith. Shredder frenzied but thanks to the feat could not charge and so did not make it to the Scythean. The other shredder went rabid and killed a bane. Carnivean walked into combat with the Skarlock thrall and Tartarus. Killed Tartarus but failed to hurt the Skarlock thrall it then put up it's animus.

Turn 3 Cryx
Things were not looking happy, so far the only damage done had been to kill a shepherd but the feat was no longer stopping the Cryx for getting stuck in. Bane's charged the Carnivean took out it's spirit but failed to kill it, they did manage to take out the shredder. Darragh Wrathe hurt the Angelius but did not take out a spiral. Pistol wraith took a shot at the caster but failed to hit, Ripjaw went ghostly and charged the caster missing all but one attack (which Ed then managed to roll a 3 for damage, not enough to actually cause any). 

Turn 4 Legion
Scythean walked around the building to engage Denegra. Somehow she survived but with only a few health boxes left. Seraph used it's animus to pull the Angelius out of combat to where it could charge. Then had a spray itself, though the attack rolls were boosted this should have been a useless exercise however two 6's and a 5 on an attack roll later and Denegra was dead before the Angelius even got to charge. 

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