Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Templecon and Haley2 Double Stormwall

Something I wanted to point out as a trend from other players at Templecon.

Marc-Andre Leblanc - 3rd in Standard Issue, 5th in Masters.
Major Victoria Haley
  • Stormwall
  • Stormwall
  • Squire
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages
Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer
Journeyman Warcaster

Chris Root - 5th in Standard Issue
Major Victoria Haley
  • Stormwall
  • Stormwall
  • Squire
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages
  • Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer
Journeyman Warcaster
Gun Mage Captain Adept
Stormsmith Stormcaller
Stormsmith Stormcaller

Billy Robin - 7th in Masters (and I think he won something else)
Major Victoria Haley
  • Stormwall
  • Stormwall
  • Squire
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages
  • Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer
Black 13th  Gun Mage Strike Team
Journeyman Warcaster

That's one of the lists of every Cygnar player whos lists are available. Everyone who did well at Templecon with Cygnar was rocking Haley2 double Stormwall. This is almost entirely Billy Robin from the Texas Renegades (and the podcast Road to War)'s fault. It seems though that Haley double stormwall is now a list that is going to keep popping up at tournaments. So I'm going to explain a bit about it.

How does it work - Bond + temporal acceleration = SPD 9 Colossal. Arcane shield goes on one (the bonded one), they both get the benefit of Deceleration taking the bonded one to ARM 24 against shooting and the other one to ARM 21 against shooting. You can make a line about 16-19" wide that no model can advance through without taking a POW 12 damage roll making you relatively safe from infantry. You use the feat, your SPD and your hitting power to remove as much stuff as possible, taking out anything that can take out an arcane shielded stormwall. Gun mages with deadeye if needed kill all the enemy infantry safely from behind the covering fire templates and they are DEF 17 if your opponent tries to shoot them (from Deceleration). Now the bottom list of the two I posted doesn't have the B13th so it's wrong. I generally don't like to say a list is wrong but in this case I'm pretty confident about that. If you take them out your wall drops to 12-14" (and you lose some high RAT shots and the ability to let your Stormwalls shoot stealth models), I think that's alright if you are going to add in something with a lot of utility like Eiryss2, Gorman, Aiyana and Holt, Anastasia Di Bray or even some mechanics but for a gun mage captain adept I think that is a big mistake (the two Stormcallers aren't bad though). 

What should you take against it? - Strangely enough even though my description included a Stormwall at ARM 24 this isn't the meta bending list for ARM cracking, it gets worse. Bartolo Montador is capable of fielding two ARM 24 Galleons and they are both ARM 24 all the time, to shooting and melee. So if you are building a 50 point list to crack ARM that's the one you have to build for. If you have a list that can crack that much ARM then take that list here and you should be fine. Unless it's based on single woumd weapon masters in which case those covering fire templates are a problem. Other than that standard colossal tech applies. Countermeasured boomhowlers are an option, shooting Haley is going to be hard with Deceleration up but it can be done if you can shoot through the colossals. She needs to be further forward that usual to hand out temporal acceleration and deadeyes.

The good news is (though I'm stretching the definition of good) is that this list is prevalent enough that people will net-deck against it. This list and the other meta benders (Asphixious2, Bart Galleon, winterguard death star, and the Harbinger gun line) tend to grab attention and so people plan for them. It reduces their effectiveness at a tournament level, not enough to make them bad but enough to make them less ball breaking. The other good news (stretching even further) is that this list is really hard to play. You make a mistake with your stormwall and it's gone and that's half your army. Give it up cheaply and your opponent will still have enough left to kill the other one. The thing that I dislike about this list is that it is not fun to play against, it's possibly the least fun list to face in the game. I think Asphixious2 and Bart Double Galleon are probably better lists but both are much more fun to play against. 

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