Monday, July 29, 2013

Happy Troll Friends

Been trying to work out if there is a troll equivalent to the epic kruegar list with all the minion warlocks. There are three possibilities:

Calandra - Feat affects minion models (they reroll ones and twos) and she brings starcrossed. However they do not get the benefit of Fate Blessed which is one of her major abilities. 

Grim Angus - Great control feat, you lose bait the line for most of your beasts but you still have the snare gun and cross country is friendly faction too. 

Jarl - Everything works on the minion beasts, quicken is pretty good and he does a lot of work himself removing infantry so you can.

I think it has to be Calandra. If you want to get use out of haunting melody you need a way to keep Dahlia alive and star crossed might be the best way to do that. That does mean that we probably want a bomber for girded but that isn't a huge sacrifice (Oh no, how will I ever build a good list with a bomber in it?). The question of whether or not to take an impaler with that bomber is an interesting one though, snipe would work on Gun Boars if I brought them but I don't think they are worth dropping Rok or Snapjaw. So here is what I have:

Standard Army
PCs: 50 / 50
11 models

[00] Calandra Truthsayer, Oracle of the Glimmerwood (0 / 5 WB)
[11]  >> Rök
[10]  >> Dire Troll Bomber
[05]  >> Troll Impaler
[09] Dahlia Hallyr
[00]  >> Skarath (Companion)
[02] Viktor Pendrake
[09] Rorsh
[00]  >> Brine (Companion)
[09] Wrong Eye
[00]  >> Snapjaw (Companion)

Not sure when I'm actually going to get a chance to give it a run. I'm trying to learn circle at the moment and there is a lot to learn. I'm actually pretty happy with the list, I'd like a bull snapper in there and if I make a change it will be Impaler for Bull Snapper and Runebearer. 

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