Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Conceding Pt 2

I wrote a piece on it last week so it's worth updating it with the Muse response.


To sum up - Team Muse now has a new policy whereby they ask everyone of their members to play each game to the best of their ability.

This is a very good response.

Good points

1. No one is policing games
2. It only affects members of the muse team
3. They are asked only to do their best
4. They are hoping to change values in the community through a community driven effort rather than a top down rules change

Bad Points

It gives "scooping" recognition as an issue when I'm not sure that it is one.

What about me? 
I'm going to keep playing the way I have. In practice the difference between letting people you like correct errors they have made and letting people you like beat you is not that big but I think it is one accepted by the community. I think a lot has to do with the way we players who live by that policy tend to apply it to everyone who doesn't shit us. I think that the difference might be that you are still playing to 100% which might be a fair thing to ask players to do. As a TO it is actually all I want, I would not want to ask people to avoid giving take backs or anything of that nature and I would be happy to see that the few jerks who occasionally come to tournaments get worse treatment than the regular friendly people.

My thinking on this issue still isn't 100% clear so I may come back to it when I have developed a proper philosophy on it.

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