Saturday, June 16, 2012

Other Mercs with the Galleon

First up MacBain

There are a couple of different ways you can take MacBain, I'm going to look at taking him with pirates because I like pirates.

Four Star Syndicate
PCs: 50 / 50
41 models

[00] Drake Macbain (0 / 6 WJ remaining)
[18]  >> Galleon
[02] Bosun Grogspar
[02] First Mate Hawk
[02] Doc Killingsworth
[02] Master Gunner Dougal Macnaile
[02] Lord Rockbottom, Expedition Financier
[08] Kayazy Assassins (9 grunts)
[02]  >> Kayazy Assassin Underboss
[08] Sea Dog Crew (9 grunts)
[02]  >> Mr. Walls, the Quartermaster
[02]  >> Sea Dog Crew Rifleman (2 Riflemen)
[06] Press Gangers (9 grunts)

Fail safe goes up on the Galleon taking it to ARM 21. No mechanics (I had thought about switching the Kayazy for Eiryss, Thor and a Blaster and Wyshnalyr). Countermeasures on the Kayazy, and fortune on the Sea Dog Crew. Use the feat to protect all the pirate solos, the underboss (to preserve kill stroke) and Mr Walls and if you want the Lass as well. Lets you keep out all your upkeeps and still get everyone you need in the feat. You can use Jackhammer to make sure the Galleon still gets to use the focus or you can fudge around a bit and still allocate two to it. Jackhammer and Failsafe are what makes the Galleon in this list and the Galleon fixes the biggest problem the list has, the inability to crack ARM. That the Galleon can use it's drag to do that while sitting in multiple scoring zones is not to shabby either. 

Problems - expect to see Eiryss a lot. She was in almost every list (except when character restrictions forced her not to be) and she also has her mini-feat (put her within 5" of the galleon and you can't allocate it any focus, it's a "mini feat" because if she's 5" from the Galleon she is going to die). She'll drop fail safe off the Galleon. Also expect to see a lot more purification and hex blast. If you can stop healing (the circle trees or the blood hag) then you can stop the feat and without the solos/officers the list really struggles. 

Most Wanted (Magnus the Traitor)
(Tier 4) 
PCs: 50 / 50
22 models

[00] Magnus the Traitor (0 / 6 WJ remaining)
[08]  >> Mangler
[18]  >> Galleon
[05]  >> Renegade
[05]  >> Renegade
[02] Gorman Di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist
[02] Saxon Orrik
[06] Steelhead Halberdiers (9 grunts)
[10] Steelhead Heavy Cavalry (4 grunts)

Snipe goes on the Galleon before the game starts (tier 4 bonus), iron aggression on the Mangler. You switch Temper metal to the Galleon after it has given it's first extreme range barrage. And possibly pulled a heavy jack 14" accross the table to be scrapped. The renegades have their massive once a game AOE knockdowns, if they hit a caster you can then put all the Galleon ranged attacks into the caster. Iron Aggression on a Mangler is just silly. I want to take steelhead riflemen as well to increase the shooting you can do on a caster. A lot of people will have ways to deal with the knockdown but if that happens you can always obliterate huge swaths of infantry. Saxon Orrik is there to hand out pathfinder. Gorman to black oil some crap. 

Shae wants it too (and you can take it in his theme force), he struggles a little with high ARM and you can hide Grogspar behind it, not going to do his list because he just takes everything in pirates (there's not much there). Fiona can cycle nonokrion brand between it and a unit of long gunners and the results are a little silly (for those that haven't played Fiona that spells allows a model/unit to ignore intervening models so if your caster gets with anywhere near you they are going to cop a lot of ranged fire). That does mean though that she can't afford to take pirates (sad face). I might actually put together the fiona list:

Highborn Covenant
PCs: 50 / 50
25 models

[00] Fiona the Black (0 / 6 WJ remaining)
[02]  >> Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker
[09]  >> Rocinante
[18]  >> Galleon
[03] Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
[01] Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator
[02] Thor Steinhammer
[03]  >> Grundback Blaster
[02] Bosun Grogspar
[02] Master Gunner Dougal Macnaile
[10] Long Gunner Infantry (9 grunts)
[02]  >> Long Gunner Infantry Officer & Standard
[02] Sea Dog Deck Gun

Not sold on Rocinante but it does mean that you have a DEF 18 warcaster who can't be knocked down. It's a half decent warjack too. I've gone for Eiryss1, you almost always want to go for Eiryss2 but you can put nonokrion brand onto Eiryss1 and your opponent is screwed for a turn. Eiryss2 still has more utility but the trick against warmachine (doesn't work on hordes) works so well with her that I'd recommend losing that utility. Deck gun is her cultist unit, it has to move to stay with Fiona so it doesn't generally shoot but it's worth 2 points for an additional focus. 

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