Friday, March 8, 2013

25 Point Mangled Metal at Good Games
Where: Good Games Wollongong
When: Saturday 23 March 2013
Cost: $15
Time: 10am
What: 25pts Mangled Metal/ Tooth and Claw. SO Caster + Jacks/Beasts ONLY. Khador can take a minimum sized Man-O-War Unit as a light jack. Colossal/Gargantuan are a go.
Prizes: Depends on numbers. Raffle with no double dipping. Win = 2 tickets, Loss = 1 ticket, FULLY painted force = 3 tickets, first time to a Wollongong event = 3 tickets, furthest travelled (out of area) = 2 tickets.
Attitude: A sense of humour wanting to roll dice and have FUN!!!
Hope to see you there! 
Another tournament. This one is in Wollongong so no excuses. Putting together some lists already. So far it's between: Thagrosh1, Lylyth1, Vayl2 and Doomshaper2. I do like Kreoss3 in this format because he personally does a lot of work but I'd need to paint him and two heavies. I also like Stryker2 for similar reasons but he is ruled out for the same problem.


  1. so goreshade doesnt get his feat then? i mean i understand e ghaspy gets no feat, but goreshade makes em so is it viable?

    1. Usually the mangled metal rules affect only list selection and not in game rules like Goreshade's feat but check with the TO (you can post in the linked thread). I can also post the question if you have some kind of problem with wargamerau or forums in general.
