Saturday, March 2, 2013

Morvahna's Feat

Feat: Blood Sacrifice - Morvahna immediately suffers 1 or more damage points. This damage cannot be transferred. For each damage point she suffers, return one destroyed non-character living friendly Faction warrior model to play completely within Morvahnaʼs control area. Units cannot exceed the number of models that they had at the start of the game as a result of Blood Sacrifice. Place returned trooper models in formation with their original units. Returned models forfeit their actions the turn they return to play.
This is from Bell of Lost Souls and they also have Grim's feat which I assume they will spoil tomorrow.  As for Morvhana if she still has Restoration she is going to be amazing with Skinwalkers and they are some particularly beautiful models. She has Sac Pawn [faction warrior] in her primal form and I see no reason to take that away in her epic form so you'll probably still see Wolves of Orboros with her (though now I'm getting pretty deep into speculation). 

I'm still excited about there being a light cav warlock. She is going to have a lot of movement, hopefully she has a few good offensive spells to really abuse that light cav move, or the ability to place clouds or forests. Getting a bit ahead of myself here, it's a bit sad how much more excited I am for this model than any of the warlocks from factions I actually play. 

Also this:

First thought was Gobber mechanic but that looks like a dodgy arcane turbine on his back (like the generators warcasters use to control warjacks). A gobber warcaster I think is too much to hope for (plus I think then he'd have someone else carry his wagon) but I think it might be a Gobber Journeyman. That would be incredible. Regardless there is a lot I like about this model.

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