Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Meta Benders - Morvahna the Dawnshadow (Lady Goat)

What's the Problem

  • Her feat brings her entire army back to life except for beasts and shifting stones. She can place gallows groves in the middle of your tough units or behind your screening models to arc spells onto your warcaster. She can place War Wolves behind your caster, CRA them with Reeves and then have those War Wolves charge your caster with Gang and back strikes and boosted attack rolls (and the boost for charging). She can bring back a bunch of her own models around your caster then death knell them for ludicrous damage. Just having to kill her whole army twice though can be so much effort. 
  • Whenever any model in her army misses or rolls bad damage she can hurt herself and reroll. She never has to live with bad dice and then the unit she has Carnivore on can attack and heal back all that damage she just suffered. She also heals whenever you kill any of her models. 
  • Purification.
  • She has Ram and Life trader on her weapons. So she can charge a model use her goat (for +2 to hit but mount attacks cannot be boosted so you lose the extra damage dice), reroll if she misses, knock the opposing caster down then buy weaponmaster attacks if she suffers another damage. She can also push other models out of the way to get to the caster by using ram as she can buy mount attacks. 
  • Fog Of War. Stalkers already circle's best beasts now have stealth. Gallows Groves - stealth. Reeves go to DEF 17. 
She is an attrition monster, she will use scales of fate to make sure her models do more damage than they should then when you work through them she will feat to bring them back. Stalkers were bad enough with just sprint, with sprint and stealth and never failing to kill models because you get rid of tough and reroll misses or bad damage. And to top that all off if you need upkeeps you better be ready to cast them every turn and forget defensive upkeeps. 

How to Deal
Non living models are ideal. All the hordes armies can bring the Gatorman Witch Doctor (except funnily enough the Farrow minion ones) and you should, actually you probably should in general. He ensures that you don't have to worry about command checks which can be randomly awful. That shuts down Carnivore and the bulk of her healing which hurts scales of fate as well. If you are a warmachine faction you can go jack heavy and if you are Cryx you don't have to worry. In general in addition to undead/warjacks/constructs you want a few boostable guns. If she hurts herself too much just start shooting at  her. 

From there the next issue is her feat, for that you want to be able to remove models from play. There are a lot of game effects that can do this and they double up, helping you with Goatvanna and with recursion mechanics, things like the Spawning Vessel, Mechanithralls and Necrosurgeions, Shamblers and Alexia. 

Be aware of the scenario. She is hard to jam out of a zone because she can bring models back into the zone but those models are often easier to remove. Also keep an eye on the assassination, force her to be careful how much of her life she is willing to spend. 

Caster Recommendations
Cygnar: Haley2 with double Stormwall is a nightmare for her. Nemo2 doesn't look so great either, she will also struggle against Kraye and Darius (See Darius isn't a total loss against top tier casters!) (don't play Darius at a tournament).

Protectorate of Menoth: Go for the jack wall. In particular a jack wall with a bunch of guns. Feora2 is probably your best, Reznik and Feora1 can do it too, Harbinger can have a game. 

Mercenaries. Bart + Galleon. The ARM (even 22 with purification) is a nightmare and the boosted gun port shots have no trouble with her infantry. Either Magnus, 

Trollbloods: Doomshaper2 with a lot of beasts is ideal. Get their ARM up to 22, can purify away the krielstone bonus, snacking RFPs and you have no infantry to kill with Carnivore. That said any caster with Witch Doc Crocs for their infantry and a couple of dire trolls to RFP will do just fine. Even doomshaper1 does OK, runshapers are multi wound and fairly tough under the krielstone. 

Legion: Not Kallus. Fog of war does nothing, shredders and scytheans and afflictors RFP and Legion loves going beast heavy. Even Lylyth with no RFP can do enough damage at range that it's probably still uphill for lady goat. 

Minions: Poor minions. Pigs have slaughterhousers to remove those skinwalkers from play and the gators have the witch doc croc to make their troops non-living. You are going to have to deal with a fair amount of her crap. On the other hand though the only minion caster who really struggles is Midas as she will RFP his beasts and take away his feat. Carver beast heavy isn't bad, Rask with witch doc crocs can do the job, Maelok loves the undead spam, Barnabas can at least knock down her units which will buy you a turn.

1 comment:

  1. I played against one of the best in NZ and beat her with eCaine. His feat can remove models from play, no tokens for her, no bringing them back.

    eCaine, on his feat round, accounted for an entire squad of skinwalkers and UA. That crippled Morvhanna and made her feat a non event.
