Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Kromac and Crippled System

First new crippled system battle report:

and Kromac:

I have been attempting to learn to Kromac and failing. Still coming back to exactly the same problem. If my opponent knows what he is doing he floods the zone, I have to leave something in the zone to not lose on scenario and I lose that model. Since the list is high value targets I lose a pretty valuable warbeast. I know that James and the US guys can do it without losing valuable pieces but I'm struggling. So I have come up with the best/worst idea ever. Double winter argus. That or I can throw in some skin walkers with inviolable resolve but first I'm trying the double winter argus idea. So far they are replacing the pureblood but they may end up replacing the woldstalkers. This weekend I have a wedding and then a tournament. If I am awake on the sunday enough to drag myself to the tournament and if I can find a second winter argus I will play that list.

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