Friday, March 2, 2012

Game - Ed, Me, Graham

I've picked my list, I'm going with an ultra finesse list, which I'm not sure will work really under any circumstances. The beasts on the table will be, one Carnivean in the centre and 6 shredders (two scattered d6 inches from each objective). My throne still has not arrived so it won't be gracing the table. I'm taking a whole lot of unfamiliar stuff so we'll see how well it works, not holding out a whole lot of hope, I think the list I have will work much better at 50 points where I can take some more hitting power.


  1. Doesn't seem to work too bad at 35 pts... especially with all the cheating :P
    next time gadget!! next time!!

  2. The Angelius is essentially 9 points for one melee attack, then you can buy a second attack that with boosting on damage does as much as a single scythean attack. Fact is the scythean can put out 7 p+s 17 attacks and it's movement is only one less (with pathfinder instead of flight) and they are the same points. It's mainly the repulsion and refuge that makes it interesting, that and the high DEF. You can also use them to push things away from an objective/flag/control zone.
