Quick Summary - This book is a novella, not a full novel in the PP warcaster/warlock series. They will be delving into the back stories and fleshing out the characters of a lot of the major characters in the game. They released Makeda last month (I have not read it) and this month was the story of Caine. I had to pick it up as Caine is one of my favourite characters both thematically and play wise but I had felt his fluff was a bit lacking. I'm not going to have any spoilers in this review but the story is split into 3 parts, the first part is a bit of background on how and why Caine got to where he is and the second two parts focus on a mission Caine is given.
I have to say I enjoyed the hell out of this book. Starting out I found the prose a bit clunky but I once I got used to the writers style it became fairly free flowing. It may also have been that the intro was a bit stilted. The story quickly finds its feet though and I was quickly engrossed. I found it to be fairly well written. I love Caine but his character in the warmachine books was never particularly fleshed out. There wasn't much else to him other than gun-toting anti-hero. Here though they do flesh that out and if anything I like Caine even more now.
I think I can say avoiding spoilers that Caine has a character jack in this story and it sounds awesome. PP you can't dangle that jack in front of me and not give me the model.
I will say that if you don't play warmachine (or at least IKRPG) I would not recommend it. It helped to be able to know all the terminology, there is a section defining terms at the end of the book which would help a bit but it's probably still going to be a bit dense for a newcomer to the setting.
Only complaint that I have is that I wish it had been longer. I demand more Caine!
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