Thursday, December 20, 2012

Cataphract Incindiarii Rumours

I saw these before and thought they were awesome and didn't make the connection when I saw the models. Rumours again, came out after one of the cons after talking to the PP guys (who had been play testing them).

SPD 5 (same as other Cetrati)
MAT 7 (really good for a combined arms unit)
RAT 6 (better than I thought it would be)
DEF 12 (shockingly)
ARM 15 (a bit low but it's a ranged unit)
8 Wounds

RNG 10
POW 12
Continuous fire

Cost 6/9 (for 4/6 models)

Adding in this:
Pathfinder is obvious  Sounds like they also get beserk. Could be no quarter which is definetely not bad though they already have fearless. If they get beserk they will be affected by the abilities of the warmonger warchief so they will have a way to heal and stop beserking. They suddenly become very awesome with Kallus.

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