Friday, December 7, 2012

Battle of Dave's Crack

These are what will be the final version of the rules unless anyone has any objections or suggestions.

This will be a team league. Experienced players will be teamed with less experienced players.

Each club day you play games against someone not on your team. These can be team games with your team-mate or single player games or three player free for all games. Games will be played according to the current steamroller packet or if they are 3 player games the following 3 player scenarios (more may be added).

Supply Line 

Kill Box 

Points will be awarded, 2 for a single player game, 3 for a 3 player game and 4 for a team game if the winning team does not lose a warcaster, 3 points for the winning team and 1 for the losing team should the losing team manage to kill one of the opposing casters.

Every week league models from one of the privateer press leagues will be available. I will pick a league at random and post the basic model profile plus points cost on this site (to enable players to build lists in advance should they want to). You can use league models from your own faction or your team mates faction.

4 club days after which there will be a final for the two leading teams, the team with the most points picks the match ups. If tied match ups are either to be agreed on by both teams or randomised.

Upgrades will be available at 6-12-18 points. The list of available upgrades is here.

As an optional rule - Roll 2 dice before deployment but after army list selection. On a 2 or 3 swap armies and play your opponents list.

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