Saturday, February 9, 2013

New stuff

Top picture is on a huge base, Not sure if it's convergence looking enough to be from the Convergence of Cyriss (but they do have a colossal and a battle engine coming) and a dwarf colossal is also coming.

PIP 32090 Preorder only PRIVATEER PRESS Warmachine: Protectorate Exemplar Bastion Seneschal Solo (white metal)
Street Date: 05/30/2013

PIP 74075 Preorder only PRIVATEER PRESS Hordes: Skorne Reptile Hounds Lesser Warbeasts (2) (white metal)

PIP 41102 Preorder only PRIVATEER PRESS Warmachine: Mercenary Tactical Arcanist Corps Rhulic Unit (3) (white metal)

Lessers for Skorne, more dwarf stuff and Exemplar Bastion Seneschal, most interested in the last one. Lessers with skorne are going to be interesting, with their beast support they have the potential to be very good. Magic dwarves could be fun, something with push/pull will be awesome for Gorten. another Merc damage buff would also be spectacular. I expect something along the lines of hex bolt but not as good.
Also santa Lylyth has a name:

Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight

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