Saturday, February 2, 2013


That's right, I'm making another post. No I don't think I have a problem, I can quit posting about Warmachine whenever I want.

I just wanted point out that there is a different scenario in the hardcore rules packet which looks very interesting. It has killbox and a 12" by 12" square in the centre. Instead of scenario points though your warcasters take 5 damage if you killbox yourself and you take 5 damage if your opponent Dominates the zone (domination only that means they have their warcaster in the zone and you have no models). Warcaster/warlocks taking that damage also lose tough and can't or have damage removed for one round. I'm including this scenario in the possible league scenarios but since it's not on the random table it'll be something that people pick to do instead of the rolled up scenario.

Also my ear hurts so everyone has to go easy on me.

(For those who don't know Hardcore is a particularly nuts kind of tournament, the time limits are shortened making it very difficult to play a normal list, all armies must be fully painted (normally they allow unpainted models so that they don't scare off any players), one list only and if they game goes to time everyone loses, you don't check tie-breakers. Hardcore has 4 awards and they are all about equally valued. There is Vanquisher (the winner), Mage Hunter (fastest caster kill, now changed to caster kill while destroying the least other models), Executioner (most army points destroyed) and Master Craftsman (best painted).)

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