Saturday, December 15, 2012

New Stuff - Cygnar gun mage cavalry, not sure if I'm sold on the sculpt. - Minion warlock (pigs). Rask looks awesome. Midas may end up being really good too. - Skorne heavy ranged infantry. Looks very interesting. - Epic Morvhana. She's riding a goat. I like the model. No clue on the rules. - Skorne solo.

Wild speculation o'clock

Tempest Blazers - it says they have rune shot but from the little fluff blurb it doesn't sound like it is the gun mages push abilities. I would guess they have blessed and magical weapons. Sad face, unless they also ignore stealth then I will be smiling again.
Midas - Guessing he will collect corpse tokens and have Revive or a feat that brings dead models back. It also says he is able to consume his foes to gain their power and knowledge so I'm assuming a unique spell or ability there. 
Incindiarii - a ranged unit with medium bases. Every model that far released with that description has been disappointing but sounds like they will have high ARM. I do predict RAT 5. I also predict that PP will have learned from the other medium based ranged units and make them good.
Morvahna - Light cavalry warlock. That alone is stupidly exciting. She has the ability to run away after shooting off spells built in. Sounds like she has a unique ability to do with hurting friendly models. I have no idea on her abilities here but the fact that she is light cavalry already makes her awesome.
Mortiheurge - Sounds like Influence and another ability. Influence is OK but not spectacular, though he sounds like a 2 point solo so he couldn't be too ball breaking. 

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