Thursday, January 24, 2013

Allied Models Week 2/I'm an idiot

So after carefully looking through all the War Torn Alliance rules to figure out how they worked out of faction warjacks/warbeasts I realised that when I randomly picked a set of league models that somehow I managed to pick the one NQ I had from Shattered Grounds that I had accidentally included with all the NQ from War Torn Alliances (the ones with allies). They were careful not to include warbeasts/warjacks in the War Torn Alliance league models. So two options, the one I'm going with here is that I'm going to include a second option for the factions with warjacks/warbeasts and only the allied player can take those (and can't take the warjack/warbeast) the other option (the dodgy one) is to make warbeasts warjacks with the spiral rules and warjacks warbeasts with FURY 4 threshold 9 for heavies and 3/8 for lights. I'm going to go for the first option unless I hear that people prefer the second option.

Without further ado the league models (the pictures are fairly big if you zoom in, you should have no trouble reading them).

and the models for those allied with Skorne or Khador:

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