Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Steamroller 2013

It's up!


  • Objectives - need to be within 2" now (was 4" last year)
  • Warcasters cannot contest, warcasters who control "dominate" the objective/zone/flag
  • less than 1 point solos can control flags/zones now, as can solos bought as a group without having to comply with unit rules as well.
  • Killbox is 14" now but only the edge of your base has to be more than 14" away for you to be safe. You also don't die but instead give your opponent 2 control points
  • All zones are 12" by 6" or 12" diameter circles. 
  • 12 scenarios, down from 18
  • no more flank scenarios, no more radials, no more reinforcements (flanks and reinforcements are optional rules).
The specialists option is particularly interesting. If I do run a proper tournament at some stage it will be with specialists. What that option does (it's not a base rule, not present in all tournaments) is it allows you to write a 35 point list with 10 points of substitutions that you can exchange for points in your main list. For example here is my Shae list:

A Pirate's Life (Phinneus Shae)
(Tier 4) 
PCs: 35 / 35
34 models

[00] Captain Phinneus Shae (0 / 6 WJ remaining)
[04]  >> The Commodore Cannon & Crew
[06]  >> Nomad
[06]  >> Nomad
[03]  >> Buccaneer
[01] Bosun Grogspar
[01] First Mate Hawk
[01] Doc Killingsworth
[01] Lord Rockbottom, Expedition Financier
[08] Sea Dog Crew (9 grunts)
[02]  >> Mr. Walls, the Quartermaster
[02]  >> Sea Dog Crew Rifleman (2 Riflemen)
[06] Press Gangers (9 grunts)

I can't have a 3rd rifleman in my specialists, they have to be separate selections (you also can't go from min to max or vice versa when subbing out units). I have 10 points so my specialists are

[00] Captain Phinneus Shae
[06]  >> Nomad
[04] Lady Aiyana & Master Holt

You need to indicate any model relationships in your specialists (attached, marshalled etc.). The problem with Shae is that he struggles against high ARM so if I pick Shae and my opponent throws down a high ARM list I can substitute in some ARM cracking power. That's the theory behind specialists and I like it. A lot of times I'll include Aiyana and Holt in a list just for the Menoth match up, this allows me to make them substitutions and main list something more general. 

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