Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Reinventing the Wheel - Building a Harbinger list

I thought I'd take a break from the general list building posts that I've been doing (I'm still a little iffy about how well they apply, they feel too general to me) and do a specific caster. In this case its the Harbinger of Menoth. I will admit that I am at least partially writing this to put off assembling the model as it looks really tricky.

What does she do?
Her feat hits anything moving towards her with a POW 14 fire damage roll which will kill pretty much all single wound infantry in the game and quite a few multiple wound infantry as well. It will also put the hurt on beasts and jacks, a lot of people write it off against those models but an already damaged beast/jack is likely to lose a spiral and a little bit of damage can be the difference between a fully functional beast and one in the dirt.

Next she has crusaders call increasing the distance you can charge, guided hand which is an additional dice on melee attack rolls (attack not damage rolls). Purification (on a 20" control area), Awe - living models are -2 on attack rolls when within 10" of her) and Martyrdom - she can take some damage to stop a model (freindly faction, warrior, non warcaster) from dying again within 10" of her. She also has Cataclysm which is a nuke spell that automatically hits and the POW is determined by the distance from Harbinger. In a pinch she can assassinate.

What do I want the list to do?
So I can see a few different ways to build a list for her. You can alpha strike, use the feat to stop your opponent coming towards you, get some extra SPD with Crusaders Call and use Guided Hand to hit (and purification to remove any defensive upkeeps). You can build a skew list, abuse awe and martyrdom (and the feat), heal Harbinger with her focus (and a Heirophant) and pick models that are already difficult to kill. I want to start her out as a counter-punch combined arms gunline. Use the feat to gain an extra turn of shooting and then charge in and kill everything with her melee buffs.

Along those lines what are models that are great at both melee and shooting:
Vessel of Judgement

I can also throw in some Martyrdom abuse, I already have that with the errants. Standard gunline stuff applies (stealth and magical weapons mainly since this is a combined arms gunline).

First Draft List

Protectorate of Menoth
Standard Army
PCs: 35 / 35
28 models

[00] The Harbinger of Menoth (0 / 5 WJ remaining)
[02]  >> Hierophant
[08]  >> Reckoner
[06]  >> Redeemer
[02] The Covenant of Menoth
[02] Exemplar Errant Seneschal
[03] Knights Exemplar Seneschal
[02] Vassal of Menoth
[01] The Wrack (3)
[02] Choir of Menoth (3 grunts)
[08] Exemplar Errants (9 grunts)
[02]  >> Exemplar Errant Officer & Standard
[02] Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord

Alright so lets start off with Rhupert and the Covenant with errants in a harbinger list. I can tough the errants and give them no knock down. If you kill an errant I tough roll, if I fail that I can martyrdom or self sacrifice. It's two extra layers of bullshit on a unit that was already annoying. Reckoner is pretty standard, it shoots and it fights really well. I'd really like to have two but didn't have the points (it's 10 points because then I need a second Vassal). The redeemer is in there for it's dual role, it can just drop down 3-4 AOEs on stealth or high DEF units or if I battle I can have the Reckoner shoot a heavy first and then have the Redeemer plough 2 boosted damage rolls into the heavy, when you combine the choir bonus, aiming and the Reckoner bonus you're back up to effective RAT 7 even though it's innacurate (-4 to hit) and RAT 5. Boosted POW 14s are good against heavies especially when you purify away all their defensive shenanigans. Wracks and the Hierophant give me even more focus, and some healing. She'll need it if she wants to feed both jacks, cast spells and heal Martyrdom damage. That leaves me with exactly 3 points left and a little wary of cracking high ARM. The Knight Exemplar Seneschal is a great high POW 3 point beatstick and he's super hard to kill so in he goes and the list is done. 

Finding Someone Willing to Play Against the Harbinger
:) I'll be nice, I promise. 

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