Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Willbreaker Rumours

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about it's the nipple man
According to rumours that have blown up the skorne forums he has -
Ancillary Attack - RNG 5. Target Warbeast. Makes another attack out of activation can be ranged or melee and won't count to ROF as it is out of activation.
Puppet Master - RNG 10 Target model/unit. You can reroll one or more dice once for a command check, attack or damage roll.
Influence - The crap spell you should glare at people for using.
Beast Master - You can force beasts in his command range. Not as good as herding, you can't reeve or leach that fury but situationally quite useful.

2 points. Should be out on war room at the end of this month so I'll know for sure then.

If this is all true (possibly a big if) this guy is awesome. He's going to be pretty much automatic with the Mammoth, ancilliary attack on its big gun is amazing. It's awesome with everything else too. That's two sprays with the Drake, how often does a Gladiator or Sentry just fall short of killing something? That extra attack gives you a little security policy. You still get the +2 strength from enrage too as it lasts for the whole turn. Second shot from the Cannoneer is pretty good as well especially as far strike also lasts for a turn (so two RNG 16 shots - no boosts but fantastic to drift onto low ARM models like Winterguard or Kayazy). Puppet master has the advantage of going before the beast moves (or whatever you are puppet mastering), it's got a lot of depth, really helps you when you need to do something important and you have a limited number of attacks. Great for assassinations or clearing a scoring zone.

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