Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Legion Stats for New Players

NOTE: Every player has two lists but may only take one of each character across both lists so give extra weight to anything marked as a character.

(From WTC 2013)

Warlock Attachments
Count Percent
Succubus 12 25.00%
Afflictor 7 14.58%
Angelius 70 145.83%
Archangel 1 2.08%
Carnivean 6 12.50%
Harrier 7 14.58%
Naga Nightlurker 9 18.75%
Nephilim Bloodseer 0 0.00%
Nephilim Bolt Thrower 3 6.25%
Nephilim Protector 0 0.00%
Nephilim Soldier 0 0.00%
Proteus 0 0.00% Character
Raek 11 22.92% Saeryn + Raek was very popular, rare in other lists. 
Ravagore 61 127.08%
Scythean 27 56.25%
Seraph 9 18.75%
Shredder 27 56.25%
Stinger 0 0.00%
Teraph 2 4.17%
Typhon 10 20.83% Character
Battle Engines Count Percent
Throne of Everblight 2 4.17%
Annyssa Ryvaal 6 12.50% Character
Beast Mistress 0 0.00%
Blighted Nyss Shepherd 64 133.33%
Blighted Nyss Sorceress and Hellion 0 0.00%
Incubus 1 2.08%
Spell Martyr 38 79.17%
Strider Deathstalker 39 81.25%
The Forsaken 40 83.33%
Warmonger War Chief 0 0.00%
Blackfrost Shard 5 10.42% Character
Blighted Nyss Archers 0 0.00%
Blighted Nyss Archer Officer and Ammo Porter 0 0.00%
Blighted Nyss Grotesques 0 0.00%
Blighted Nyss Hex Hunters 8 16.67%
Bayal, Hound of Everblight 2 4.17% Character
Blighted Nyss Legionnaires 11 22.92%
Captain Farilor and Standard 2 4.17%
Blighted Nyss Raptors 4 8.33%
Blighted Nyss Scather Crew 0 0.00%
Blighted Nyss Striders 5 10.42%
Blighted Nyss Striders Officer and Musician 5 10.42%
Blighted Nyss Swordsmen 2 4.17%
Blighted Nyss Swordsman Abbot and Champion 0 0.00%
Blighted Ogrun Warmongers 0 0.00%
Blighted Ogrun Warspears 3 6.25%
Warspear Chieftan 2 4.17%
Spawning Vessel 23 47.92% 16 of these are from the 16 iterations of Vayl2's theme force

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