New thing on End Game Gaming, MattieK has gone through and pulled out the data for individual jacks/units. This I think is a great tool for new players. The first question people ask when starting a faction is usually what do I get and this I think is a good rough guide to that. The things that have high numbers are generally the things you will get a lot of use out of and generally are useful for multiple casters or builds. The things with lower numbers are not necessarily awful but you should think carefully about whether there are better options. Popular theme forces make a difference here so I will note them where applicable and you have to remember that character restrictions matter too so while only 8/24 khador lists have Kovnik Joe he is a character that's really 8/12 players taking him. Also there are no statistics for Mercs or Minions, whether they are taken as their own factions or added to the factions other factions. I assume this is due to the data extraction method MattieK used. So what I'm going to do is copy the lists here and annotate them so that new players can get an idea of what models are particularly popular. It may work, it may not. Here are links to all the individual posts:
Protectorate of Menoth
Retribution of Scyrah
Circle Orboros
Legion of Everblight
Great blog Tort, a wonderful place to learn about our hobby...