Lets start off with Kovnik Joe
He appears 11 times with Winter Guard Infantry and 8 times with Riflemen. Neither Riflemen nor Infantry appears without Kovnik Joe and though the Riflemen are predominantly not iron flesh casters they do appear in a butcher1 list and the Infantry are predominantly in iron flesh lists but also appear in Vlad 1 and 2 and in a Sorscha1 list. The spread and ubiquity of both units is simply evidence that they are really good. They can go in almost any list and carry their weight and this goes for both the infantry and the riflemen.
Lets look at Bonds now and start with the caster everyone is most interested in - Hexeris2. He appears 4 times and in every list there is a Cyclops Brute bonded to Hexeris2. It seems to be the clear winner here.
Severius2 is bonded to a Reckoner and a Redeemer. Irusk2 appears once without a bond (Behemoth is his only jack) and once each with a Juggernaught and a Spriggan. Feora2 appears 9 times, 7 times with a bonded Judicator and twice with a bonded Redeemer. The redeemer lists do not have Judicators in them, I think it's clear that the Judicator is the better choice with the Redeemer acting as a cut price judicator when you need the points for something else. One of the redeemer lists spams heavy jacks so I understand the idea the other one though is this list:
Feora 2 -6
-Redeemer +6
-Templar +8
-Hierophant +2
The Avatar of Menoth +11
Choir of Menoth (min) +2
Choir of Menoth (min) +2
Initiate Tristan Durant +3
-Redeemer +6
The Wrack +1
Vassal Mechanik +1
Vassal Mechanik +1
Vassal of Menoth +2
Vassal of Menoth +2
Vessel of Judgement +9
From Teppo Aro. I have no idea what the hell is going on in this list. I assume it's tuned to a specific match up but I don't see what match up.
Lastly we have Haley2. She is bonded twice to Thorn (which is my personal favourite bond), twice to a Centurion and leading the pack jointly with 7 bonds a Stormclad and a Stormwall. I have a little experience running Haley2 with both Stormclad and Stormwall and I can say convincingly that the Stormclad is more fun (and Thorn more fun again) but I can't claim that to be an objective truth. Only one of the bonded Stormwalls is in a double Stormwall list. In my limited experience the Stormwall is better agaisnt Cryx and Khador (in general at least) and the Stormclad against Skorne, Legion and Circle so it may be a match up thing but more likely just comes down to personal preference with the second list made to cover the gaps left by the Haley list.
Next we have a list from Austria White:
Void Seer Mordikaar
Mordikaar -5
Cyclop Brute +5
Archidon +7
Archidon +7
Molik Karn +11
Aptimus Marketh +3
Bloodrunners +5
Nihilators (max) +8
Paingiver Beast Handlers (max) +3
Venator Slingers (min) +4
Mortitheurge Willbreaker +2
I look at this list and though admittedly I have no Skorne experience it doesn't seem like it can kill anything other than a caster. Don't get me wrong I see the feat synergy and that will allow you to get excellent field position but it seems like Molik Karn and the Nihilators are good at killing things and the rest of the list is paying points for abilities that don't kill models. I don't feel the list will stand up in an attrition battle. When MOM looked at that Karchev list from Poland last year they said it looked like it was set up just to lob crazy assassinations at whoever it came up against and this list looks the same at leas to me. The reason why I find this interesting is because it's pairing is Fist of Halaak. I think they are running the same strategy as the Polish team did last year which is put a player with a really scary list that a lot of the field can't deal with up first. I think he's going to drop Fist in nearly every match up unless he comes up against a silver bullet list in which case he's going to drop this list and hope that getting stuck in that match up put his team in a good position with the other match ups.
All 5 Mordikaar lists are paired with Fist of Halaak. All except Martin Hornecek's list have a unit of blood runners and an Archidon. I think the message here is that if you are going to be playing against Fist of Halaak your list better also play against Mordikaar and be ready for crazy assassination attempts. One of the alternatess even has Ferox in his list.
Onwards to the Gatorman Witch Doctor. There are 28 Witch Doc Crocs in the WTC. 3 are in one Maelok list and the rest appear only as single solos in lists. He is most popular in circle appearing in 16 Circle lists. 13 of those circle lists also include Bloodtrackers. There are 26 total lists including bloodtrackers. He appears most often in Morvahna2 lists, in 9 out of 17 lists. The Witch Doc Croc appears in both Morvahna1 lists both of which also include Bloodtrackers. He appears in 3 minion lists (though that makes 5 Witch Doctors) in 5 Troll lists and in one Legion list. It's Kallus and it is the only Kallus list at the WTC.
Kallus -5
Shredder +2
Shredder +2
Stinger +2
Strider Deathstalker +2
Strider Deathstalker +2
Gatorman Witch Doctor +3
Bog Trog Ambushers (min) +5
Gatorman Bokor & Bog Trog Shamblers +6
Blighted Nyss Legionnaires (max) +6
Farilor +3
Blighted Nyss Swordsmen (max) +8
Blighted Nyss Swordsmen UA +3
Spawning Vessel (max) +3
Blighted Nyss Hex Hunters (max) +8
It's Gerry Nolan (Ireland, also I feel like we should all clink our glasses and drink since he was mentioned). I actually really like this list. There is a little bit of ARM cracking in the Swordsmen with Ignite but it's mostly an anti infantry list. I especially like the Ambushers, I have always enjoyed playing them and got a fair amount out of them (especially min ambushers since they often don't have that many targets). They also work for the feat if you catch them in your control area.
Last thing for part 2 is Storm Lances. There are 16 Storm Lance units in the WTC but only 14 lists because 2 players are playing Charge of the Storm Brigade which increases their FA. There is another Stryker2 list that includes Storm Lances without being a theme force. Other than that they appear in 6 Haley2 lists (out of 24) and appear in 4 out of 13 Haley1 lists. There are only 3 Stryker2 lists so they appear in 100% of his lists. They also appear in one Siege list and the one Stryker list running only single stormlances has been mentioned previously:
Cygnar Horse Stats
If you look at both Storm Lances and Blazers you find that there are horsies in 24 pairings and 33 lists. There are only 7 Cygnar list pairings that do not include horsies and if you are smart and notices that 24+7 is 31 not 32 then you'll realise that means that there is a list that also has Steelhead Cavalry (from Slovakia, shockingly it's a Haley2 list). There are two other units of Steelhead heavy cav, a Damiano list and a Deneghra1 list. Of the 7 pairings that do not include cav only 3 are from Europe. Both Canadian Cygnar players and both USA Cygnar players have opted out of playing cavalry. So the weird European countries are Hungary, Italy and Russia (though it could be argued whether Russia count seeing as a lot of the country is in Asia).
Necrosurgeon and Stitch Thralls - There are 53 units of Necrosurgeon Stitch thralls at the WTC. That a crapton of stitch thralls. There are 19 lists with a single necrosurgeon and 17 lists with two necrosurgeons. What else is in the lists?
In 10 lists (all Skarre1) there is one necrosurgeon and no mechanithralls. In other words the unit is just there to heal Skarre. In 16 lists (a mix of one or two necrosurgeons) there is one unit of mechanithrals. In 9 units (all double necrosurgeon) there are two units of mechanithralls and there is one list with three units of Mechanithralls and two necorsurgeons. It's a Skarre1 list and it also has 30 bane knights. I admire it for its simplicity. There are 36 units of Mechthralls but only 7 are Max units.
Of the 26 lists where there are also mechanithralls I had a look to see if there were any other living units added in order to at least theoretically add to the mechanithrall units. Only 3 lists had no other potential corpse tokens other than the mechanithralls.
10 just satyxis
2 Cephalyx (you'll be shocked to learn it's the Deneghra theme force)
3 Bloodgorgers and Satyxis
6 Mercs (but only one list was Denny1 with pirates)
2 lists had Mercs and Satyxis
Of the Mercs Boomhowlers and Nyss Hunters where the two units represented. All in all that makes 26/92 Cryx lists which contain recursion. I don't know if that makes it a big thing or not. Something you should be looking out for.
Enigma Foundries - There are only 7 Convergence players at the WTC and yet they have managed to smuggle in 14 Enigma Foundries. Every single list that contains an Enigma Foundry contains a second Enigma Foundry. So half the convergence lists you will see will contain double Enigma Foundries and half will contain none. Only one player is playing double double Enigma Foundries Ciaran Bolger. One of the Irish guys.
Of the lists that contain Enigma Foundries 5 contain Reciprocators 9 (8 wound shield wall guys) and 2 contain Eradicators (8 wound Buckler guys). Those lists are mutually exclusive (i.e. players have taken either Reciprocators or Eradicators, not both and not neither). There are also 4 units of Obstructors in the mix (single wound shield wall guys).
There are two Teraphs at the WTC which will no doubt cut down on the number of puns coming from Mr Moorhouse. One is in Ben Leepers Lylyth2 list the other is in a Lylyth2 list from Belgium. Speaking of Lylyth2 there are 10 Lylyth2 lists and no Lylyth1 at all (sad face). 7 contain no combat units, 3 contain units of raptors and one of those 3 also contains a unit of warspears. For the second time getting a mention in this analysis is Gerry Nolan (to Gerry!).
Lylyth 2 -5
Succubus +2
Naga Nightlurker +5
Ravagore +10
Ravagore +10
Annyssa Ryvaal +4
Shepherd +1
Shepherd +1
Blighted Nyss Raptors (max) +10
Blighted Ogrun Warspears (max) +8
Warspear Chieftain +2
Feralgeist +1
Feralgeist +1
Once again I really like the list and it is different from anything I've tried.
There are only 4 Totem Hunters in the WTC. One is in Leeper's Lylyth2 list, one in a Saeryn list and the rest in Minions lists (Barnabas and Rask).
Time for some Cryx 'Jack analysis
51 Nightwretches
33 Helldivers
31 Deathrippers
19 Deathjacks
10 Krakens
9 Leviathans
9 Stalkers
7 Ripjaws
7 Defiler
6 Nightmares
4 Cankerworm
2 Harrowers
2 Seethers
1 Malice
That's a big 0 lists for the Corruptor, Desecrator, Erebus, Reaper, Scavenger and Slayer warjacks. To be honest the only one that even slightly surprises me is the reaper (and it's not that surprising). What is surprising at least to me is the number of Helldivers. It's the second most popular jack and there are 11 lists featuring double helldivers. I think helldivers might be something you need to plan for going into the tournament. The other thing that surprised me was the low number of defilers. Maybe it's just me but I like auto-corrosion spray for dealing with stealth solos, shifting stones and black dragons. Then again I don't play Cryx. Also somewhat surprising is the number of Leviathans a massive chunk of that is Aiakos with the Leviathan being the most popular jack to put on him (4 out of the 9 Leviathans are on Aiakos). Of the remaining Leviathans 2 are on Deneghra 2 in lists that also include a Leviathan on Aiakos. One is on the Iron Lich Overseer in a Deneghra1 list and the last two are on Skarres (one on S1 and one on S2).
Last thing for this edition of Useless WTC stats: Colossals and Gargantuans
Stormwall 42 (61% of lists contain at least one) - with 3 double stormwall (5%)
Conquest 12 (20%)
Judicator 12 (20%)
Kraken 10 (11%)
Earthbreaker 9 (100% of Rhulic Casters, this is my favourite statstic)
Hyperion 7 (23%)
Prime Axiom 6 (43%)
Galleon 6 - no percentage here because of Gaston. 3 are in Mercs but only 2 on Merc casters. The rest are Haley1 "double down" lists. Even the one in the Ossrum list is a double colossal list.
Mountain King 0
Wold Wrath 2 (3%)
Archangel 0
Mammoth 2 (5%)
In total there are 7 double colossal lists. No double Gargantuan lists. Also no one running Magnus2 in Skorne to run a Galleon and Zaadesh with a Mammoth. (That guy would have been my hero, even more so than Spyros Pavlis).
If I have the inclination I may go through and look at some caster synergies in the future. For now though I think I have done enough and I no longer have a need to pretend like I am working.
Severius2 is bonded to a Reckoner and a Redeemer. Irusk2 appears once without a bond (Behemoth is his only jack) and once each with a Juggernaught and a Spriggan. Feora2 appears 9 times, 7 times with a bonded Judicator and twice with a bonded Redeemer. The redeemer lists do not have Judicators in them, I think it's clear that the Judicator is the better choice with the Redeemer acting as a cut price judicator when you need the points for something else. One of the redeemer lists spams heavy jacks so I understand the idea the other one though is this list:
Feora 2 -6
-Redeemer +6
-Templar +8
-Hierophant +2
The Avatar of Menoth +11
Choir of Menoth (min) +2
Choir of Menoth (min) +2
Initiate Tristan Durant +3
-Redeemer +6
The Wrack +1
Vassal Mechanik +1
Vassal Mechanik +1
Vassal of Menoth +2
Vassal of Menoth +2
Vessel of Judgement +9
From Teppo Aro. I have no idea what the hell is going on in this list. I assume it's tuned to a specific match up but I don't see what match up.
Lastly we have Haley2. She is bonded twice to Thorn (which is my personal favourite bond), twice to a Centurion and leading the pack jointly with 7 bonds a Stormclad and a Stormwall. I have a little experience running Haley2 with both Stormclad and Stormwall and I can say convincingly that the Stormclad is more fun (and Thorn more fun again) but I can't claim that to be an objective truth. Only one of the bonded Stormwalls is in a double Stormwall list. In my limited experience the Stormwall is better agaisnt Cryx and Khador (in general at least) and the Stormclad against Skorne, Legion and Circle so it may be a match up thing but more likely just comes down to personal preference with the second list made to cover the gaps left by the Haley list.
Next we have a list from Austria White:
Void Seer Mordikaar
Mordikaar -5
Cyclop Brute +5
Archidon +7
Archidon +7
Molik Karn +11
Aptimus Marketh +3
Bloodrunners +5
Nihilators (max) +8
Paingiver Beast Handlers (max) +3
Venator Slingers (min) +4
Mortitheurge Willbreaker +2
I look at this list and though admittedly I have no Skorne experience it doesn't seem like it can kill anything other than a caster. Don't get me wrong I see the feat synergy and that will allow you to get excellent field position but it seems like Molik Karn and the Nihilators are good at killing things and the rest of the list is paying points for abilities that don't kill models. I don't feel the list will stand up in an attrition battle. When MOM looked at that Karchev list from Poland last year they said it looked like it was set up just to lob crazy assassinations at whoever it came up against and this list looks the same at leas to me. The reason why I find this interesting is because it's pairing is Fist of Halaak. I think they are running the same strategy as the Polish team did last year which is put a player with a really scary list that a lot of the field can't deal with up first. I think he's going to drop Fist in nearly every match up unless he comes up against a silver bullet list in which case he's going to drop this list and hope that getting stuck in that match up put his team in a good position with the other match ups.
All 5 Mordikaar lists are paired with Fist of Halaak. All except Martin Hornecek's list have a unit of blood runners and an Archidon. I think the message here is that if you are going to be playing against Fist of Halaak your list better also play against Mordikaar and be ready for crazy assassination attempts. One of the alternatess even has Ferox in his list.
Onwards to the Gatorman Witch Doctor. There are 28 Witch Doc Crocs in the WTC. 3 are in one Maelok list and the rest appear only as single solos in lists. He is most popular in circle appearing in 16 Circle lists. 13 of those circle lists also include Bloodtrackers. There are 26 total lists including bloodtrackers. He appears most often in Morvahna2 lists, in 9 out of 17 lists. The Witch Doc Croc appears in both Morvahna1 lists both of which also include Bloodtrackers. He appears in 3 minion lists (though that makes 5 Witch Doctors) in 5 Troll lists and in one Legion list. It's Kallus and it is the only Kallus list at the WTC.
Kallus -5
Shredder +2
Shredder +2
Stinger +2
Strider Deathstalker +2
Strider Deathstalker +2
Gatorman Witch Doctor +3
Bog Trog Ambushers (min) +5
Gatorman Bokor & Bog Trog Shamblers +6
Blighted Nyss Legionnaires (max) +6
Farilor +3
Blighted Nyss Swordsmen (max) +8
Blighted Nyss Swordsmen UA +3
Spawning Vessel (max) +3
Blighted Nyss Hex Hunters (max) +8
It's Gerry Nolan (Ireland, also I feel like we should all clink our glasses and drink since he was mentioned). I actually really like this list. There is a little bit of ARM cracking in the Swordsmen with Ignite but it's mostly an anti infantry list. I especially like the Ambushers, I have always enjoyed playing them and got a fair amount out of them (especially min ambushers since they often don't have that many targets). They also work for the feat if you catch them in your control area.
Last thing for part 2 is Storm Lances. There are 16 Storm Lance units in the WTC but only 14 lists because 2 players are playing Charge of the Storm Brigade which increases their FA. There is another Stryker2 list that includes Storm Lances without being a theme force. Other than that they appear in 6 Haley2 lists (out of 24) and appear in 4 out of 13 Haley1 lists. There are only 3 Stryker2 lists so they appear in 100% of his lists. They also appear in one Siege list and the one Stryker list running only single stormlances has been mentioned previously:
(If fresh can be a thing then so can this).
With 32 players playing Cygnar and 64 lists that means that they are in 14/64 lists and 12/32 pairings. 2 players have Storm Lances in both lists. That means that 37.5% of Cygnar pairings include at least one unit of Storm Lances and that approximately 22% of Cygnar lists include Stormlances. It seems that the European meta is still in love with the blue horsies. There are also 24 units of Blazers so if you are playing against Cygnar you can expect to see some horsies. All Storm Lance units are max units but there are 4 min units of Blazers.
Cygnar Horse Stats
If you look at both Storm Lances and Blazers you find that there are horsies in 24 pairings and 33 lists. There are only 7 Cygnar list pairings that do not include horsies and if you are smart and notices that 24+7 is 31 not 32 then you'll realise that means that there is a list that also has Steelhead Cavalry (from Slovakia, shockingly it's a Haley2 list). There are two other units of Steelhead heavy cav, a Damiano list and a Deneghra1 list. Of the 7 pairings that do not include cav only 3 are from Europe. Both Canadian Cygnar players and both USA Cygnar players have opted out of playing cavalry. So the weird European countries are Hungary, Italy and Russia (though it could be argued whether Russia count seeing as a lot of the country is in Asia).
Necrosurgeon and Stitch Thralls - There are 53 units of Necrosurgeon Stitch thralls at the WTC. That a crapton of stitch thralls. There are 19 lists with a single necrosurgeon and 17 lists with two necrosurgeons. What else is in the lists?
In 10 lists (all Skarre1) there is one necrosurgeon and no mechanithralls. In other words the unit is just there to heal Skarre. In 16 lists (a mix of one or two necrosurgeons) there is one unit of mechanithrals. In 9 units (all double necrosurgeon) there are two units of mechanithralls and there is one list with three units of Mechanithralls and two necorsurgeons. It's a Skarre1 list and it also has 30 bane knights. I admire it for its simplicity. There are 36 units of Mechthralls but only 7 are Max units.
Of the 26 lists where there are also mechanithralls I had a look to see if there were any other living units added in order to at least theoretically add to the mechanithrall units. Only 3 lists had no other potential corpse tokens other than the mechanithralls.
10 just satyxis
2 Cephalyx (you'll be shocked to learn it's the Deneghra theme force)
3 Bloodgorgers and Satyxis
6 Mercs (but only one list was Denny1 with pirates)
2 lists had Mercs and Satyxis
Of the Mercs Boomhowlers and Nyss Hunters where the two units represented. All in all that makes 26/92 Cryx lists which contain recursion. I don't know if that makes it a big thing or not. Something you should be looking out for.
Enigma Foundries - There are only 7 Convergence players at the WTC and yet they have managed to smuggle in 14 Enigma Foundries. Every single list that contains an Enigma Foundry contains a second Enigma Foundry. So half the convergence lists you will see will contain double Enigma Foundries and half will contain none. Only one player is playing double double Enigma Foundries Ciaran Bolger. One of the Irish guys.
Of the lists that contain Enigma Foundries 5 contain Reciprocators 9 (8 wound shield wall guys) and 2 contain Eradicators (8 wound Buckler guys). Those lists are mutually exclusive (i.e. players have taken either Reciprocators or Eradicators, not both and not neither). There are also 4 units of Obstructors in the mix (single wound shield wall guys).
There are two Teraphs at the WTC which will no doubt cut down on the number of puns coming from Mr Moorhouse. One is in Ben Leepers Lylyth2 list the other is in a Lylyth2 list from Belgium. Speaking of Lylyth2 there are 10 Lylyth2 lists and no Lylyth1 at all (sad face). 7 contain no combat units, 3 contain units of raptors and one of those 3 also contains a unit of warspears. For the second time getting a mention in this analysis is Gerry Nolan (to Gerry!).
Lylyth 2 -5
Succubus +2
Naga Nightlurker +5
Ravagore +10
Ravagore +10
Annyssa Ryvaal +4
Shepherd +1
Shepherd +1
Blighted Nyss Raptors (max) +10
Blighted Ogrun Warspears (max) +8
Warspear Chieftain +2
Feralgeist +1
Feralgeist +1
Once again I really like the list and it is different from anything I've tried.
There are only 4 Totem Hunters in the WTC. One is in Leeper's Lylyth2 list, one in a Saeryn list and the rest in Minions lists (Barnabas and Rask).
Time for some Cryx 'Jack analysis
51 Nightwretches
33 Helldivers
31 Deathrippers
19 Deathjacks
10 Krakens
9 Leviathans
9 Stalkers
7 Ripjaws
7 Defiler
6 Nightmares
4 Cankerworm
2 Harrowers
2 Seethers
1 Malice
That's a big 0 lists for the Corruptor, Desecrator, Erebus, Reaper, Scavenger and Slayer warjacks. To be honest the only one that even slightly surprises me is the reaper (and it's not that surprising). What is surprising at least to me is the number of Helldivers. It's the second most popular jack and there are 11 lists featuring double helldivers. I think helldivers might be something you need to plan for going into the tournament. The other thing that surprised me was the low number of defilers. Maybe it's just me but I like auto-corrosion spray for dealing with stealth solos, shifting stones and black dragons. Then again I don't play Cryx. Also somewhat surprising is the number of Leviathans a massive chunk of that is Aiakos with the Leviathan being the most popular jack to put on him (4 out of the 9 Leviathans are on Aiakos). Of the remaining Leviathans 2 are on Deneghra 2 in lists that also include a Leviathan on Aiakos. One is on the Iron Lich Overseer in a Deneghra1 list and the last two are on Skarres (one on S1 and one on S2).
Last thing for this edition of Useless WTC stats: Colossals and Gargantuans
Stormwall 42 (61% of lists contain at least one) - with 3 double stormwall (5%)
Conquest 12 (20%)
Judicator 12 (20%)
Kraken 10 (11%)
Earthbreaker 9 (100% of Rhulic Casters, this is my favourite statstic)
Hyperion 7 (23%)
Prime Axiom 6 (43%)
Galleon 6 - no percentage here because of Gaston. 3 are in Mercs but only 2 on Merc casters. The rest are Haley1 "double down" lists. Even the one in the Ossrum list is a double colossal list.
Mountain King 0
Wold Wrath 2 (3%)
Archangel 0
Mammoth 2 (5%)
In total there are 7 double colossal lists. No double Gargantuan lists. Also no one running Magnus2 in Skorne to run a Galleon and Zaadesh with a Mammoth. (That guy would have been my hero, even more so than Spyros Pavlis).
If I have the inclination I may go through and look at some caster synergies in the future. For now though I think I have done enough and I no longer have a need to pretend like I am working.
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