Merc Solos
33 Orin Midwinter
26 Victor Pendrake
43 Saxon Orik
50 Rhupert Carvolo
93 Gorman di Wulfe
103 Eirysses (14 Eiryss1, 87 Eiryss2, 2 Eiryss3)
6 Thor Steinhammers
17 Anastasia Di Brays
33 Sylys Wyshnalyr
8 Lanyssa Ryssyl
20 Madelyn Corbeaus
14 Taryn Di La Rovissi
19 Ragmans
36 Reinholdts
72 Lady Aiyana and Master Holts
26 Dougal MacNailes
7 Alexia2s
19 Alexia1s
9 Gastonne Crosse
- 2 Vanguard
- 4 Galleon
- 3 Nothing
5 Alten Ashleys
17 Kell Bailochs
7 Lord Rockbottom - note that of the 7 only 3 actually have pirates for him to coin. The other 4 have him purely for command checks.
- There are 33 Orin Midwinters and only 26 Victor Pendrakes. I can only assume that Butcher2 is scarier than the whole of hordes.
- Saxon Orik also beats his old rival Professor Pendrake but he loses to Rhupert Carvolo (there are 50 pipers).
- Gorman is the most popular Merc solo (I am shocked)
Further Analysis
Orin Midwinter - Appears most often in High Reclaimer lists. He is in 6 High Reclaimer lists out of 8 total High Reclaimer lists. He appears in 4 Sorscha1 lists out of 7 total. He also appears in 4 Deneghra 1 lists however there are 15 Deneghra1 lists so this isn't quite as strong a trend. In the end he appears most in Cryx lists (11 times) but they are the most popular faction. In addition to Deneghra1 he appears mostly in Deneghra2 in Cryx (3 times in D2). He appears the same number of times in Menoth and Skorne but every appearance in Menoth is in a High Reclaimer lists whereas every time he appears in Skorne is with a different caster (Hex1, Hex2, Zaal, Morghoul1, Makeda3, and Mordikaar).
My conclusions on Orin - Obviously the ability to keep him alive is a major key to his usefulness. Whenever he appears more than once (with one strong exception) the caster has either a massive control feat or some other way to make it extremely difficult to kill him (Dene1, Dene2, High Reclaimer, Sorscha1). The exception here is Butcher3. I'm going to assume this is to make Butcher stronger in the mirror match. The Skorne/Menoth comparison is an interesting one. It shows that in Menoth he's very much a luxury piece. Something they don't need and only put in when they can turn him to 11. Whereas in Skorne he's something they need to help with a specific problem. None of the Skorne casters mentioned have strong synergies with him and the way he's spread and his ubiquity (he appears in 30% of Skorne pairings) indicates that he is needed to stop something they are worried about from their opponent. I don't think I'm going out on a limb when I say that it's Butcher3. It seems like Skorne players feel like he is a problem they have to tech for.
That was actually quite enlightening I may do that for some other stuff.
Alexia2 - 6 are in Khador. 3 in Sorscha1, 3 in Butcher3 and the last one is in Keith Christiansons Haley2 list. Given the large number of Vayl2 players this looks like it may be a smart move.
Other Random Character Models
19 Kovnik Joes
2 Kovnik Markov (I had to look him up he's the horse solo)
7 Kovnik Andrei Malakovs
- 4 Behemoths
- 2 Beast 09
- 1 Spriggan - but note that this is that crazy Polish Karchev list.
29 Withershadow Combines
34 Bane Lord Tartarus
19 Deathjacks
27 Ghetorixs
19 Megaliths
13 Avatars
12 Imperatus
20 Behemoths
10 Beast 09s
0 Thunderheads
12 Thorns
14 Molik Karns
8 Tiberions
11 Mulgs
17 Typhons
22 Black 13ths
16 Valachevs
Stopping to look at who Valachev is on:
2 Alexia
2 Aiyana and Holt
10 Nyss Hunters
1 Boomhowler
1 Tactical Arcanist Corps
I have to say the one I like the most is the Tactical Arcanist Corps (though I do like Alexia and A&H as Valachev targets as well). That's in a Sorscha1 list from Team Canada (Tyler Webb) that also includes Croes Cutthroats.
8 Murdoch
- 6 Nyss Hunters
- 1 Boomhowlers (Siege list with Rangers)
- 1 Forge Guard (Haley2 surprisingly, the only faction thing she has is temporal acceleration)
1 Allison Jakes (running a Charger in a Team Ireland list)
12 Aiakos
- 4 Leviathan
- 2 Krakken
- 4 Nothing
- 1 Stalker
- 1 Harrower (I love Harrowers, this is on an alternate player)
14 Tristan Durant
- 6 Redeemer
- 5 Reckoner
- 3 Judicator
1 Elara (Imperatus in Dylan's list)
48 Nyss Hunters
2 Croes Cutthroats
21 Rhovens
13 Janissas (out of 17 Trollblood players)
6 Sons of Bragg
Lets look at the Croes lists (I want to know why anyone is taking this unit).
Sorscha 1
Sorscha 1 -5
Sylys Wyshnalyrr +2
Behemoth +13
Eiryss 1 +3
Reinholdt +1
Kell Bailoch +2
Orin Midwinter +2
Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile +2
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt +4
Greylord Outriders (min) +6
Croe's Cutthroats (max) +10
Tactical Arcanist Corps +4
Kapitan Valachev +2
Widowmakers +4
I actually like this list. The tac can reform behind their own clouds which you can use to protect key pieces like Aiyana and Orin. Her feat and Freezing grip help with their crappy rat and they add some hitting power vs Hordes. I think it might be another way to target the multi wound infantry spam that's been floating around.
Durgen Four Star
Durgen Madhammer -6
Earthbreaker +19
Croe's Cutthroats (max) +10
Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters (max) +10
Herne & Jonne +3
Press Gangers (max) +6
Eiryss 1 +3
Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile +2
Reinholdt +1
Thor Steinhammer +2
You can do nothing about their RAT here but at least they will hit multi wound infantry and beasts especially hard. There is some interesting tech to do with explosivoing Croe himself, you get an extra dice on his gun on feat turn so he should hit casters like Butcher3 and he may not have 2 shield guards. In the end though I'm not as big a fan of this list (from Panagiotis Stathis of Greece2).
Speaking of Greece, Spyros Pavlis of Greece1 is playing Cygnar. In particular he has this list:
Stryker 3
Stryker 3 -5
Stormwall +19
Squire +2
Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters (max) +10
Captain Jonas Murdoch +2
Storm Lances (max) +11
Archduke Runewood +3
Eiryss 2 +3
Journeyman Warcaster +3
Rhupert Carvolo +2
which I am officially naming Greeced Lightning.
Random Character Analysis - It looks at first glance like Circle have overtaken Khador as the kings of character heavies but they haven't. You have to take into account that Circle takes a lot more heavies than Khador. Once you take into account the 74 Warpwolf Stalkersthe picture becomes clearer. Circle and Legion aren't taking a ton of character heavies, they are taking a ton of heavies in general and that inflates the character stats. Interestingly there are 3 Rip Horn Satyrs and 9 Feral Warpwolves so the idea that Rip Horns would see the end of Feral Warpwolves in the competitive meta seems to have been overstated.
Also for those who love those stupid - what's the best non-character heavy arguments on the forums:
Warpwolf Stalker - 74
Reckoner - 53
Ravagore - 67
Angelius - 87
Scythean - 56
Juggernaut - 11
Seraph - 30
Harrower - 2 (OK now I'm mad, only 2 Harrowers?)
Leviathan - 9 (and yet there are 9 Leviathans, sure why not, why not take a Seether?)
Seether - 2 (Looking at you Portugal and Czech Republic, at least it's not more than harrowers)
Bronzeback - 11 (seems a little low)
Gladiator - 26
Earthborn - 9
Mauler - 10
Bomber - 12
Stormclad - 11
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