More things you never wanted to know about the WTC lists!
Bog Trog Shamblers. There are 7 units in the WTC two are in Rickards (Arleharan's) Rask list and that is a bonkers combination. You can spend Bog Trogs off the other unit and they are pretty good with Rage and against a caster either without focus or paralyzed. There are 6 other lists with Bog Trog Shamblers and I'm going to run through them quickly,
The first one is in Traishy's Madrak2 list. I've kind of steered away from talking about the Australian lists because I don't want to give away our secret Australia tech so I won't say too much except that this is my favourite troll list at the WTC. Next is Gerry Nolan's Kallus list which I have mentioned. Ignite can go on the unit at they get corpse tokens both from the stuff that dies and the incubii created by the feat.
Number 3 is a very strange Thagrosh1 list from Scotland.
Thagrosh 1
Thagrosh 1 -5
Carnivean +11
Scythean +9
Scythean +9
Raek +4
Naga Nightlurker +5
Shepherd +1
Shepherd +1
Blighted Nyss Hex Hunters (max) +8
Gatorman Bokor & Bog Trog Shamblers +6
Feralgeist +1
I have played a ton of Thagrosh1 when I was playing Legion consistently he was a caster I put a lot of effort into figuring out, I've played a ton of different builds but nothing really like this one. In the core there is a Carni, two Scytheans and a Naga. It's really strong against Haley2 with a Stormwall and that's something I've played a fair bit of but the Hex Hunters and the Shamblers are different. Even though the hex hunters have hunter they don't actually ignore the defensive bonus from fog of war because that only works on ranged attacks not magical attacks and though Thagrosh has a damage buff spell it's faction only so you can't put it on the Bog Trogs. You can't put wraithbane on the Bokur either because it's faction only or Spiny Growth him. I have to assume that he's teching for a specific match up or trying to sure up a weakness against something but I can't pick it.
List 4 is from Sweden and it's a massive list in this format.
Morvahna 1
Morvahna 1 -6
Gorax +4
Warpwolf Stalker +10
Warpwolf Stalker +10
Druid Wilder +2
Shifting Stones +2
Shifting Stones +2
Stone Keeper +1
Gatorman Witch Doctor +3
Swamp Gobbers +1
Gatorman Bokor & Bog Trog Shamblers +6
Blackclad Wayfarer +2
Blackclad Wayfarer +2
Tharn Bloodtrackers (max) +8
Nuala, the Huntress +2
Gallows Grove +1\
There are plusses and minuses to having the shamblers here, you can't leave the blood trackers undead because then you get no corpse tokens so you don't get to abuse tough and Regrowth but turning them undead auto rallies them - (Infernal Ruling as the wording on undead is ambiguous when it comes to rallying). Other than that it has double Stalkers and a Gorax and double Blackclads which in this case can be used to extend the threat range of your shambler unit. In addition to charging stalkers and there are the obligatory double shifting stones. In a format where you can hide this list from purification it is massive. The only downside is that there isn't a great Restoration target but that's just fine on a Stalker if nothing else.
List 5 is from the other Sweden team and it's Rickard Nilsson's rask list. Double Shamblers double spitters. 2 units of Posse and one of ambushers for corpse tokens.
The last Shambler list is a Zaal list.
Zaal -5
Basilisk Krea +4
Cyclop Brute +5
Aptimus Marketh +3
Gatorman Bokor & Bog Trog Shamblers +6
Nihilators (max) +8
Nihilators (max) +8
Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer +3
Venator Reivers (min) +5
Venator Reivers UA +2
Ancestral Guardian +3
Ancestral Guardian +3
Ancestral Guardian +3
Paingiver Task Master +2
In addition to being the only Zaal list with Shamblers (there are 4 other Zaal lists, one is a theme force, another has double Slaughterhousers and no Shamblers) it is the only Skorne list at the whole WTC with Venator Reivers. For those who don't understand the synergy models with last stand are destroyed, not removed from play. They still generate tokens for the feat and still generate corpse tokens for the Bokur. In addition models are not destroyed until the end of the turn so you can attack with last standed shamblers (it only requires friendly models) and then remove them to buy attacks or boost with the Bokur who also benefits from last stand.
Now some quick minions analysis.
Swamp Gobbers 51
Feralgeist 17
Gobber Tinker 16
Gatorman Posse 36
Dahlia and Skarath 2
Wrong Eye and Snapjaw 10
Rorsh and Brine 1
Brin and Lug 0 - no love for the bear, not even in Borka2, possibly because there are no Borkas of any incarnation at the tournament.
I want to look at the Rorsh and Brine list.
You'll be shocked to learn that it is a Deneghra1 list:
Deneghra 1 -5
Skarlock Thrall +2
Deathripper +4
Deathripper +4
Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters (max) +10
Sea Dog Crew (max) +8
Mr. Walls +2
Lord Rockbottom +2
Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile +2
Orin Midwinter +2
Rorsh & Brine +9
Warwitch Siren +2
Warwitch Siren +2
Pistol Wraith +3
Pistol Wraith +3
I like it. There is a minimum of fuss on the Pirate unit. You can't tough and money shot on the same turn so there is none of the stuff that helps them with tough. Dougal improves all your shooting and has a quad iron (something people often forget). Rorsh and Brine have a great native threat range and Deneghra helps them hit and hit hard.
Of the 10 appearences of Wrong Eye and Snapjaw only twice do they appear with a bull snapper. Once in a Maelok list and once in a Gorten list. It's the other "pure Searforge" player Sankha Amarakoon. No Thor in this list but the Earthbreaker can live without Thor in a Gorten list. Spiny Growth is strong both on the Earthbreaker and on Gorten himself. Helping him get forwards for a good feat without dying.
There are 38 lists with a Spawning Vessel. 30 of those lists do not have a shredder, of those 30 lists 24 have a unit to feed the pot, 6 do not, possibly the players are going to kill their own crew and make two lessers earning them a point or possibly they are going to try and capture enemy corpses. 3 are in Saeryn lists but the other 3 are in Vayl2 theme forces where they are required. There are 25 Vayl2 theme forces in the WTC out of 25 Vayl2 lists. A surprising number of lists without Shredders had hex hunters though (13 to be exact). It's not a combination I like, not a huge fan of killing hex hunters to make shredders because you are losing points. Although they may just find that their Angels are fine without tenacity. Also I understand that the points are tight after you have included your requisite 5 heavies.
Two players are playing Kaelyssa and they are both playing her awesome new theme force, the theme force formerly known as Hail Hydra. They are running 13 arcanists between them (7 in one list 6 in the other). One of them Andre Suwanda of Switzerland is also running the only Hydra in the WTC. He is also running 3 Manticores. Despite playing in Sydney with Dylan and Jeff and having the two people I play most against both playing Ret (at least in the past) I had to look up what a Manticore was. It has covering fire and a Range 12 POW 12 with an AOE 3. It also can spend a focus to gain +3 strength and the arcanist bonus on top takes it to P+S 20. Unless you take out the Generator. Both lists contain a Manticore and they make up the totality of Manticores at the WTC. (In fairness the theme force precludes the Vyre jacks so no Banshee for the Kae players).
There are 4 Defenders at the WTC and all 4 are marshalled to gun mages. All 4 lists also include Arlen Strangeways. 3 are Haley2 lists and one is a Siege list. The Siege list also includes a journeyman running a Charger. One of two chargers at the WTC (the other as perviously mentioned is being run by Allison Jakes). The Siege list is Marin Polák's of Slovakia. Of the 50 journeyman warcasters (i.e. the ones actually called that not the character ones) there is only one more running a jack. It's in Craig Conroy's list and he's running a Sentinal (it's the Haley1 double colossal list).
Lastly Shifting Stones are pretty ubiquitous but I'm more interested in where there are no shifting stones. There are 16 lists with only a single unit of shifting stones and only 7 units without any shifting stones.
1. James Moorhouse's Morvahna2 list
2. Dirk Pintjens of Belgium Heron's Morvahna2 list
3. Brett Wilkie's (England Prime) Morvahna2 list
4. Teemu Aro (Finland Blue) Morvahna2 list
5. Janne Mikkola (Finland White) Morvahna 2 list
6. Guns (I assume it's Guns, unless there is a different Andrew Galea playing Warmachine) is running a Kruegar2 theme force with no units of shifting stones.
7. Lastly a Baldur1 list from Michal Konieczny of Poland Reckless (the defending champions).
I'll put down that Baldur1 list because I think it's interesting
Baldur 1 -6
Woldwrath +20
Druids of Orboros +7
Druids of Orboros Overseer +2
Tharn Bloodtrackers (max) +8
Nuala, the Huntress +2
Farrow Slaughterhousers +6
Farrow Slaughterhousers +6
Gatorman Witch Doctor +3
Victor Pendrake +2
Druids with the Woldwrath and Victor pendrake are interesting at least. The main thing this list is doing though is abusing no knock down and tough. Slaughterhousers are tough and the Witch doctor can make the bloodtrackers or druids tough as well. Stone Skin also works on the druids ranged attacks as it is a bonus to strength and not just to damage.
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