Friday, October 14, 2011

Unlikely Alliance

Summary: Two teams of players attempt to destroy their opponents’ warcasters or warlocks.

Unlikely Alliance is a scenario for 4 players split into teams. Each team is composed of an equal
quantity of legal armies of the agreed-upon game size. The players on each side of the board fight as a team. Their teammates’ models are considered friendly models (but are not considered Faction models unless they actually share the same faction). Teamed players share the deployment zone in their scenario. Players on the same team take their turns simultaneously. Until the Victory conditions are met, a player continues to play even if his last warcaster/warlock is destroyed or
removed from play.

The scenario being played is determined randomly from the two player scenarios. However Command and Control and Diversion CANNOT be chosen.

If players agree Unlikely Alliance can be played without a scenario.


  1. This requires some clarification. Do you mean:

    All models on the same team act during the same turn, I.e. both players resolve their maintenance phase, then their control phase, then their activation phase. During the activation phase the players must choose a single model/unit from their combined force to activate next. There are no new restrictions on what order models/units can be activated.

    If all a players warcasters/warlocks are destroyed they may continue to control their infantry models, though their warbeasts/warjacks become uncontrolled as per the normal rules for loss of the battlegroup commander. If the other player on the team still has a model with the battlegroup commander special rule and the same type (a warlock can't control a warjack) it may attempt to add the uncontrolled model to its battlegroup per the normal rules.

    If all the warcasters/warlocks on a team are destroyed, the team loses.
