Saturday, March 9, 2013

Etiquette - A Controversial Suggestion

During a tournament game there was a misunderstanding on terrain, my opponent was forgot the discussion we had at the start of the game and moved into a position where he would likely be assassinated if not for the cover bonus the pre-game discussion had precluded a piece of terrain from granting. By the time I realised he thought he had cover it was too late and I decided to let the terrain count as cover.

The thing I find interesting and the reason I'm writing this is that I would not have backed down had it been someone I disliked and I would back down again if a similar thing happened to someone I do like. I think this is the correct tournament etiquette  No it's not fair, not even a little bit, but it does ensure I keep a good relationship with the people I want to keep playing with. I'm not disadvantaging people I dislike or out of towners, that's how tournament stuff is supposed to work. All I am doing is playing a bit looser with the people I like because it's a game and in the end I am playing it to have fun. That ensures the best long term outcome for me and in the end I care more about that than winning. In the end it was a lot less of a negative play experience for me than it would have been for my opponent as I was at the start of my turn when we noticed the problem.

Also everyone from Wollongong reading this who is not Harry - You all suck. Come to shit.

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