Monday, March 4, 2013

Grim's Feat

Feat: On My Mark
While in Grimʼs control area, friendly Faction models gain Mark Target and friendly Faction modelsʼ ranged weapons gain Snipe. On My Mark lasts for one turn. (Other friendly Faction models gain +2 to ranged attack rolls against enemy models within 5 ̋ of a model with Mark Target that are in its LOS.) (Ranged weapons with Snipe gain +4 RNG).

You might already be aware of this one. It was spoiled on the forums but not having an official source (and not being particularly exciting) I didn't put it up here. The feat has a little bit of skornegy, snipe gives you extra range but mark the target requires you to be close to your opponent. In general it's not going to be a problem, you take Burrowers or Fennblades and you have a unit that it going to be way ahead of the rest of your army anyway. The other issue is that trolls already pay a snipe tax, The Impaler, Swamp, Slag, Pyre and Bomber are all range 8. The troll ranged units generally kind of suck. The Scattergunners and Scouts are at least solid units and the Scattergunners might get the most out of this feat with clear and sprays the RAT 7 is pretty huge. The scouts too will be able to take advantage of this when assaulting and again ignore the target in melee penalty so they can shoot from behind a faster unit. It's a useful feat but not a particularly fantastic one which means that Grim will be carried by his spells and abilities. 

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