Friday, August 16, 2013

Gencon Spoilers

Spd 5, Str 8, Mat 9, Rat 5, Def 14, Arm 18, Cmd 7
Damage 20
Focus 6
WJ +4
Medium Base

Granted: Vengeance

Rng 8, Rof 1, Pow 12
Pow 8, PS 16, Weapon Master, Reach, Magical Weapon

Flashing Blade
Silence of Death
>New Spell
Impendinging Doom
Cost 2, Not Upkeep, Not Offensive
Enemy models within 5" of this model are pushed 5" towards this model in the order you choose

>Feat: Red Haze
Zoktavir gains up to 6 focus points. He cannot have more focus points than his current FOCUS as a result of Red Haze. Enemy models within his melee range automatically fail command checks. Red Haze lasts one round.

>Orsus' Argii
Spd 6, Str 7, Mat 5, Rat 4, Def 14, Arm 14, Cmd 6
Damage 8
Medium Base

Circular Vision
Granted: Relentless Charge

Pow 4, PS 11, Combo-Strike

Spd 7, Str 4, Mat 7, Rat 9, Def 16, Arm 12, Cmd 9
5 Boxes
PC 3

Attachment [Mage Hunter]
Arcane Assassin
Granted: Fearless
Granted: Reform
Tactics: Advance Deployment
Quick Work
>Arcane Hemorrhage
When this model hits another model with an attack, the model hit loses focus and fury points on it, and upkeep spells cast on it immediately expire

Rng 12, Rof 1, Pow 10, Weapon Master
Pow 3, PS 7, Weapon Master
>Crossbow Blade
Pow 3, PS 7, Weapon Master

Spd 5, Str 7, Mat 6, Rat 6, Def 13, Arm 15, Cmd 9
8 boxes
PC: 2

Jack Marshal
Repair 8
Works for Cryx, Cygnar, Khador
Works for Trollbloods, Blindwater, Thornfall
>Mechanically Adept
Can attempt to repair non-Faction friendly warjacks and battle engines
>Drive: Hog Wild
This model can attempt to Drive each warjack under its control within its command range. To drive a warjack this model must make a command check at any time during its activation. If it passes, the warjack may make one ranged attack this activation before its normal movement. After its normal movement, the warjack can only make melee attacks that activation. If it fails, the warjack does not benefit from 'Jack Marshal this turn.

>Slug Gun
Rng 4, Rof 1, Pow 14
>Battle Axe
Pow 6, PS 13

Silverline Stormguard
Cygnaran Stormknight Unit
Spd 5, Str 6, Mat 7, Rat 5, Def 12, Arm 15, Cmd 9
FA: 2
PC 6 (Leader and 5 Grunts)/9 (Leader and 9 Grunts)

Immunity: Electricity
Ranked Attacks
>Electromagnetic Discharge
After all models in this unit have completed their actions, its leader can make one ranged attack. The attack has base Rng 6, Aoe 5, and Pow -. It gains +1 Rng for each model in its unit that hit an enemy model with a melee attack this activation. Models hit suffer +2 damage from Electrical damage rolls for one round.
>Polarity Wall
While this model is in B2B contact with one or more models in its unit, it cannot be charged by a model beginning the charge in this model's front arc.

>Thunder Halberd
Pow 6, PS12, Reach, Critical Knockdown

Butcher - Energizer works well with the two Khador jacks that see play, Beast 09 and Behemoth and he has enough focus to cast that spell and feed the jack which is probably all he'll be doing early game. Silence of Death is a good spell for Khador to get, useful but situational. It's the mid to late game though when butcher gets interesting. With a spell that drags everything towards him and flashing blade he will munch infantry, he also has redicilous hitting power especially with the dogs. If they combo strike with gang you are looking at two more POW 17s boosted at a hard target it the butchers melee range. It'll be a game of eliminating the threats to the butcher and letting him go nuts. His feat is awesome. It will let him kill two jacks in the zone and then force all the infantry to flee.

Eirys - Solid. Fearless, reform and advance deployment are all useful for the infiltrators. You might actually see her with strike force as well. They like reform but mostly they like stripping all the fury from hordes casters.

Moorclaw - He's a good beater for 2 points and a good jack marshal and he repairs. Poor Meg, at least she' still in Shae's theme force.

Silverline - Well something had to suck. They'll make some lists because they have some half decent synergies but knockdown is only on a crit so you can't reliably do it, they are still 12/15 so any ranged attack will kill them. Polarity Shield is decent but since you don't need charges to kill them and it only works when they are B2B and they are vulnerable to blast damage it's not quite as good as it first sounds. EM discharge is the most useful thing about them. The Storm Strider goes to POW 17, you can put it on that unit with decent ARM and take your Stormcallers to POW 12 (14 if it's a Nemo2 list).

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