Tuesday, August 6, 2013

35 Point Circle Armies


Circle kind of sucks at 35 points. Here is what I have:

Circle Orboros
Standard Army
PCs: 35 / 35
19 models

[00] Kaya the Wildborne (0 / 6 WB)
[02]  >> Druid Wilder
[10]  >> Warpwolf Stalker
[10]  >> Warpwolf Stalker
[04]  >> Gorax
[02] Shifting Stones
[02] Shifting Stones
[01]  >> Stone Keeper
[01] Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew
[09] Gatorman Posse (4 grunts)

I think she is one of the few casters in circle who is happy to see the 35 point limit. I figure I give her a go and then use one of the 50 point casters I intend to take to CoO to get some practice with them. So:

Circle Orboros
Standard Army
PCs: 35 / 35
21 models

[00] Kromac the Ravenous (0 / 4 WB)
[02]  >> Druid Wilder
[10]  >> Warpwolf Stalker
[10]  >> Warpwolf Stalker
[04]  >> Gorax
[02] Blackclad Wayfarer
[05] Druid Stoneward & Woldstalkers
[02] Shifting Stones
[01]  >> Stone Keeper
[02] Shifting Stones
[01] Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew

That's a terrible list. Although when it comes to CoO I am feeling the Cassius love atm. He was pretty sweet at the last tournament. I'm also looking at Morvahna1, I think she does well against Cryx and can grind against heavies fairly well. 

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